Not homosexual

So if Peter is not homo, how come he has such naturally effeminate mannerisms?
It's like when people try to speak a foreign language they are fluent in, without accent - it works a bit but when you get nervous your accent slips. The same with his mannerisms, he acts butch but his homo side is just too strong and constantly shows.

Most people are bisexual and i believe Peter Sargaard is predominantly on the homo side, it's so obvious to me. he is just so gay come on people. And please don't say he is married with children, so he can't be gay. It's so obvious


Who cares?


The most retarded reply "who cares"... I care. Well, i don't exactly care, but i'm curious.
You are sloganeering disingenuous hypocrites.
It's like saying who cares to "Is he French?"


Seek help.



are you autistic?

Hello seestra, nice to see you again.


He doesn't give me gay vibes but I know straight men that get hit on by men a lot because they have a high pitched voice. I'm homosexual but had a deep manly voice 8th grade on.


Gay here too and he definitely gives me gay vibes every time I see him.


He has done gay and bi roles. He's a great actor. I just think he's just more cozy with that stuff than other people. The super fem gay guy in Modern Family is actually straight but he's very convincing.
