MovieChat Forums > Peter Sarsgaard Discussion > What a great villain.

What a great villain.

Just to clear something up, I'm referring to him in Flight Plan; I haven't seen The Green Lantern. Hey! Don't put your mouse over that "spoiler" bar just yet; I did that because he's a surprise villain, and it's done so well. Write down "Peter Sarsgaard airplane" somewhere, then look it up when you can't remember this topic.

This is the kind of guy who can give you the creeps just by looking at you. Flight Plan may not have been anywhere near the best movie I've ever seen, but Peter did his job well in that role.

"There is no escape, John!"


I thought he was super creepy in Green Lantern, and with the CGI they added, he ended up downright horrendous. But there is something about his soulful eyes that made you constantly think he didn't really WANT to go bad, but reached a point where he could no longer fight it. For something as in-your-face as Green Lantern, it was a pretty sophisticated play.


Well I guess I can put up with Ryan Reynolds for this. I think I'll give it a rent.

"There is no escape, John!"


His "villain" in The Green Lantern is so not a threat and is completely useless. I kind of felt bad for him but ultimately by the end of the movie it is essentially the Green Lantern fighting Stephen Hawking, you know the crippled man in a wheelchair. It was about as interesting as watching a snail fight a banana.


Like I said, I wasn't talking about Green Lantern. I tried to watch the movie but the playback suffered so I'm awaiting a new disc.

"There is no escape, John!"


I'm very surprised you guys haven't pointed out his breakthrough performance in Boys Don't Cry. Now that is a villain, and drawn out of real life. Perhaps you've not seen it? I don't think he's ever been better.


His voice and that stare he gives is really villainous. Also his eyes just seem so ruthless. I don't know, just how I see him...

Last seen films:

Dead Man Walking 9.5/10
Stand By Me. 9.5/10
Murder in the First. 9.5/10


Jodie Foster's --like 5th movie as a women with a daughter but no man-.
Skarsgaard plays a very sympathetic passenger on the plane....SPOILER.....who
turns out to be the villain. I remember thinking he must be European but no. His role was a make or break one for that film. He made it.
