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Dan leaves Nickelodeon

Another massive #MeToo coming up?


One would suspect as much, although Nickelodeon's issued statement is way too upbeat and positive to indicate any shady business. This is more a decision not to renew their production deal than a sudden termination.

Of all the people surrounded by rumors of illicit behavior, I expected him to be publicly exposed before Bryan Singer.


Nickelodeon's issued statement is way too upbeat and positive to indicate any shady business.

What are they supposed to say? "We've been employing a known pedophile for the last 20 years because he brings such outstanding ratings but now that we've been caught we're cutting ties."

We're learning now that pedophilia is pretty much an open secret in Hollywood. Nick had to have known this. But Dan's shows are a ratings cash cow. Why cut him loose all of a sudden if there weren't some shady reason to let him go? His ratings are too good to just let him go for business reasons. There has to be something else to it.


I'm just interpreting the released statement. From the article:

"Following many conversations together about next directions and future opportunities, Nickelodeon and our longtime creative partner Dan Schneider/Schneider's Bakery have agreed to not extend the current deal," the Viacom-owned cable network said Monday in a statement. "Since several Schneider's Bakery projects are wrapping up, both sides agreed that this is a natural time for Nickelodeon and Schneider's Bakery to pursue other opportunities and projects."

Now, based off some experience working in PR, that reads more like a calculated business decision than anything else. There isn't the same sense of finality compared to actions and statements issued regarding Spacey, Singer or Weinstein, which explicitly cut ties with those men.

A statement made in a similar vein regarding Schneider would read along the lines of: "We have terminated Dan Schneider's production contract immediately and have no further comment."


Plus the OP was seven months ago and there hasn't been a negative word about Schneider since (at least not regarding any accusations).


Yes, he seems to have removed himself from the public eye. I can't even recall any responses issued by him or through a representative.


Yeah, I'm calling BS on the calculated business decision. Drake and Josh and Zoey 101 were wrapping up around the same time just like his they say his shows now are. But Nick didn't say, "We're good. We don't wanna do business with you anymore Dan." No, they went to him and said, "What's next?" and he gave the iCarly which was another huge hit for them. Then when iCarly and Victorious wrapped up, instead of shutting it down they got him to produce several more shows.

It just seems odd that after 20 years of him bringing great ratings to the network that they would choose to cut him loose now. His next show could've been another iCarly level success. And I think they would be willing to roll the dice on that if there weren't something behind the scenes going on.


Head of the class reboot
