MovieChat Forums > Michael Shannon Discussion > I used to be a fan of Mike

I used to be a fan of Mike

but after he ran his filthy mouth about Trump and his people, i will never buy a ticket to his movies again, He should learn to keep his big fat ignorant mouth shut! He is just a typical stupid actor, not an intellectual


Hyperbole and hyperventilating is the very reason we have who we have for a president. I'll never spend a dime supporting anything he does, ever again.


I won't say I'll never see anything he's in again, but I don't consider myself a fan of his anymore. He has basically called most of his fans idiots because they don't vote like he does. He should be careful about making such sweeping statements since he depends on the whole country to buy tickets to his movies, not just the coasts. I pretty much think of him as a b*stard now, but had admired him before.


Are you guys serious? Trump is a awful human and you guys are happy he's President?


I voted for Johnson but am willing to give Trump a chance, and I don't need Michael Shannon telling me what to do. You do realize half the country voted for Donald Trump, right?


We can't give Trump a chance, I think we should persuade all parties the evil the trump administation is so far. If you're hardcore republican it will be tough but some people voted for him because they are uneducated i think. Steve Bannon - ties with white supremacy. Appointed a climate change denier to energy dept. His Hotel is Washington raises ethical concerns because he bought the property and renovated it but still rents it out to the federal government, it used to be a post office. So come january 20th he is now basically renting the hotel to himself. There was a clause in the purchase also that no government official can have interest in the hotel.

Plus now the OGE is trying to get trump to cut ties with his business completely.

Stand up for what you are. If you're liberal be cool and persuade anyone you can.


We can't give Trump a chance, I think we should persuade all parties the evil the trump administation is so far. If you're hardcore republican it will be tough but some people voted for him because they are uneducated i think. Steve Bannon - ties with white supremacy. Appointed a climate change denier to EPA. His Hotel is Washington raises ethical concerns because he bought the property and renovated it but still rents it out to the federal government, it used to be a post office. So come january 20th he is now basically renting the hotel to himself. There was a clause in the purchase also that no government official can have interest in the hotel.

Plus now the OGE is trying to get trump to cut ties with his business completely.

Stand up for what you are. If you're liberal be cool and persuade anyone you can.

Wow, you sound just as dumb as you look in your avatar. Your opinion on Trump is just that. Funny how you liberals respect democracy only when it goes your way.


I'm neither liberal or conservative, but a mix, and an independent, like many people are. And yes, willing to give Trump a chance.


You do realize half the country voted for Donald Trump, right?

No, only about 55% of citizens who are eligible to vote cast ballots this past election. Which statistically means that only about 26% of vote-eligible American citizens voted for Trump, not half.
