MovieChat Forums > Michael Shannon Discussion > Box Office Poison....

Box Office Poison....

His classless, crude remarks after the election cost Nocturnal Animals tens of millions. People he singled out will not soon forget his diatribe against them. This won't end with this movie. You reap what you sow dude.


Yeah right. What are you going do? Wait for Steve Harvey or Tim Allen to make films. Suck it up. You are stuck left wing liberals to give you quality entertainment. It's quite ironic.

This horrible line up for big daddy pendejo's inauguration just shows what you would be "left" (pun thrown right in your *beep* face) with.

You'll always have Schneider and Animal 2.


Yeah right. What are you going do? Wait for Steve Harvey or Tim Allen to make films. Suck it up. You are stuck left wing liberals to give you quality entertainment. It's quite ironic.

This horrible line up for big daddy pendejo's inauguration just shows what you would be "left" (pun thrown right in your *beep* face) with.

You'll always have Schneider and Animal 2.

It isn't Hollywood as much as this guy threatening people. You sound like an a s shole yourself. What does the inauguration have to do with this you buttfaced as swipe.
