MovieChat Forums > Michael Shannon Discussion > Michael Shannon's War

Michael Shannon's War

Well "man of steel" from that inbred want to start a war?? :) You may think that you are just being dramatic, but some people have long thought of sponging you infected and corroded turds, (liberals), from the face of the earth. Now is your chance you inbred son of a dirt bag and his mangy bitch sow...... grab your Californiaized small cap mag AR or AK and all ten rounds, and 3 of your friends that want to dance with the militia, and let's tango:)
I am one of the old "urn"candidates just itching to show you how old fossilized patriots like to do it. Any time of day or night you think you're gender confused enough to show up at a dance lesson, you just let this old man know. One, (me), against three.....don't hardly seem right to out number you queers, freaks, Hillary lovers:((
One thing I ask though......after you are "urned" will you promise more of the turds that populate Hollywood will want to dance with me too. I want my friends to have fun too:) Ain't right shooting fish in a barrel..... but it is a barrel of fun:))

Trump Voter And True American Patriot


Everybody calm down, He (Michael Shannon) is just preparing
and promoting for his new movie "DEATH SPIRAL"
a true story about how the Democratic Party Died,
He plays "Hillary Rodham Clinton" and he needs to get in character.

Thumbs up GW! :)


Michael Shannon, Why does anyone think an Actor is more than just an actor? Like everyone has said they read lines to tell a story. Some are good at it. Many of us in this country try and make the world a better place but we do it by living a good life, sharing our thoughts, and don't threaten anyone who hasn't threatened us or others. We live real lives not acting out what we are told to do.
I'm not planing on fighting but if it comes, well I carried a gun for 30 years working. 1965 I joined the Army at 17 served several tours in the Infantry, LRRP and as an advisor to the 18th ARVN Division. Got out in 1972, and served in Law-enforcement for 23 years. Been in fights and firefights. Been wounded. I'm still ready You bring your toys. I'll bring mine. Another Trump Voter and American Patriot.
