
Does he have one?


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Bill is gay. Not trolling here, it's true.


If you're not trolling then can you say why you're certain he's gay? Do you know him, met him, or know someone who does? Basically I'm just wondering how you're so sure about this? Could you please elaborate and provide details? Not trying to give you a hard time. I'm genuinely curious is all. Thanks.


Wasn't he dating the "slutty girl" from Pitch Perfect?


Yes and I think he still is. That other girl saying he's gay must be trolling since he's got a girlfriend and had other gfs in the past and hasn't said why she even said he's gay even after I asked.


It's not difficult. Did you know tyhat Sigmund Froid found out Da Vinci was gay for the way he painted his paintings. In potraits, the most famous one Mona Lisa(nowhere near as good as the last dinner), the way he painted the facial expressions led Froid to state that. The way Bill posses for pictures is the same thing. I offered a psychiatrist a picture of BILL AND HE thought the same of him.


Ok so you're deducing from Bill's body language in photos that he's homosexual? It's just the photos you're providing as the evidence and nothing more? Also, this is not quite accurate:
It's not difficult. Did you know tyhat Sigmund Froid found out Da Vinci was gay for the way he painted his paintings. In potraits, the most famous one Mona Lisa(nowhere near as good as the last dinner), the way he painted the facial expressions led Froid to state that. The way Bill posses for pictures is the same thing. I offered a psychiatrist a picture of BILL AND HE thought the same of him.
But I give you props for being familiar with Freud's, "Leonardo Da Vinci, A Memory of Childhood".
