MovieChat Forums > Bill Skarsgård Discussion > Reminds me of River Phoenix

Reminds me of River Phoenix

I am just discovering Bill in Hemlock Grove and I have to say, the first person I thought of was River Phoenix. He was a quiet, calmly presense on screen BUT YET excudes confidence and sexuality like River in a non-threatening way. If that makes sense? I am VERY excited to see where his career goes. I would like to see his other stuff now! I am up to Episode 5 right now in Hemlock Grove. Talent runs deep in the Skarsgard family.
We're holding Rob's fandom for ransom!


Yes! River was one of my favorite actors growing up and Bill definitely reminded me of him. Like you,I discovered Bill while watching Hemlock Grove and he has a manner about him that is reminiscent of River--it's quite lovely and makes me want to watch him other acting work.


Yes! Especially from "A Night in the Life of Jimmie Reardon". river-phoenix-882041_851_469.jpg

I've got two good posts in me and I just wrote my third...


It's interesting because I thought the very same thing. It's a shame he died so young. He was talented and had that screen presence that pulls one into the story.


He reminds me of a young Steve Buscemi.


That's so funny, I'm watching it right now and I literally thought the exact same thing before I came on these boards.

It's his intensity and, as someone mentioned before, calm confidence. His brother, Alex, shares a similar quality.


Totally agree. That is exactly what I was thinking the whole time I watched Hemlock Grove.


Yep, he does.

He has an odd River Phoenix plus Steve Buscemi look going on, but it works for him!

Who wants to live forever?


Never thought about that before but wow you hit the nail on the head. He just exudes sexy. There are very few people in the world that can do that, and this is one of them.
