MovieChat Forums > Kristen Stewart Discussion > Group hug to all the Regs!!

Group hug to all the Regs!!

Gonna miss you all, you know who you are....the people who stuck it out and defended our favorite actress. The true bloods that fought back, that kept up the board and continued to post new info.

I'm glad to have been here before the Twycho Mania, and today, where Kristen is finally fcking shining without the shade of that franchise.

Last few days together, let's light up the board!

Save a Horse, Ride A Cowboy


I feel so late to the party. I absolutely adore Kristen, but I just started posting a few weeks ago.

Coming here to find a group dedicated to her warms my heart. I already love you all. No other actress has moved me the way she does. OMG THOSE EYES. Equals shook me to my core, and I haven't been the same since.

Hopefully our last few days here will be bright with Kristen love.


Can't leave y'all without this one from The Boss ...
Sad Eyes -

Adios D_C, Been fun reading your posts these eleven plus years.

Finally, always remember and never forget ... KRISTEN ROCKS!!!


Big hugs to all! It's been so good discussing with everyone all about Kristen's work and projects, her fashion campaigns and movie roles. Everyone has been great and this has been a great place to keep up to date on Kristen and her work as fans have posted information. This forum, all of IMDB's board, has been a great resource to discuss not only Kristen but all movies and actors. Sad to see it go but it's been great to have met the fans here! 

This is one place that was suggested in one of our closing boards threads. It might also be another place where some of the boards fans/regulars can keep in touch while discussing Kristen's work. It seems pretty active and I recently created an account here.

Also maybe IMDB's Facebook is another place as that seems to have lots of info on actors and movies. I guess many Kristen fans are on Twitter and discuss things there.

Any other input on how or if we can keep some continuity going among the fans/regulars? We've had a good group here and it would be nice to continue our shared interests in another venue.

Do you need a bowman!?


Hopefully we can continue discussion here plus new and existing members already on this board. :)


I'm terrible at saying goodbyes coupled with the fact that I'm a procrastinator, so I was planning on bidding farewell to all of Kristen's board regs on February 20th, only to realize that these boards had already been shut down the morning of this day (Hawaii Standard Time). While the IMDb message boards are no longer available, thankfully we have a movie forum with message boards such as this one so that I didn't have to say goodbye after all.


OK, just signed up for movie chat, and I gotta say that this place looks like it's being run by IMDb.
I say this because although I had to sign up, some of my posts from Kristen's IMDb message boards are already here.

Anyway, it's nice to see some familiar names.


Yes! Group Hug Indeed!


Hello Austin! Glad to see you made it here. :)
