MovieChat Forums > Kristen Stewart Discussion > Pictures of Kristen attending Charles Fi...

Pictures of Kristen attending Charles Finch and Chanel Pre-Oscar Awards Dinner

Wilson Morales used to always post pics of Kristen's latest appearances at various events on IMDb, but since he has yet to migrate to this site, I guess I'll take it upon myself to post the link:


Nice pics LL, but I have one extremely important question ...

How did you make that link clickable???

Did you just type out the addy and it automatically became clickable, or did you type in the url, /url business like we did at IMDb?

Anyway, it's nice to see this site evolving.




Thanks 9 for all your technical expertise. I appreciate all the efforts of you and Jim to get this forum up and running as smoothly as possible.


Like 9 explained, it's a little trickier to post links here in comparison to IMDb where you would simple bookend a link with and .

For me when I first learned how to post links on this site I found it to be a bit confusing as even when I posted the URL first and then the link second to make it clickable as 9 mentions--for example when I did this for a YouTube video, the link would open YouTube's home page instead of the individual video I wanted the link to open up. So to avoid such confusion I would simply post the URL for the video twice just like this (don't forget to use quotation marks around the first URL as well as the > symbol between the two URLs:


while bookending these URLs with the letters and symbols in the exact order that 9 mentioned in his comment, which will then become this link:

Sorry if this message confused you any further, for I wish I could type in exactly how I entered these links, yet doing so would render the letters and symbols which prefix and suffix the URLs invisible just as the and would likewise disappear after submitting a comment on IMDb, leaving only the URL address visible on a submitted post. You may have to tinker around with it until you get it right as I had to do Carved.
