MovieChat Forums > Kristen Stewart Discussion > Kristen could play Kim Novak

Kristen could play Kim Novak

If there were a biopic of Kim Novak’s life, which would be interesting, Kristen Stewart has the sultry, sulky facial expressions to capture Novak.

She’d have to pad her bra and deepen her voice a bit. Otherwise, she seems perfect.



I've heard of Kim Novak, an actress from the 50s and 60s, but not very familiar with her and her acting style. What you say may be correct if they share the similar sultry looks, which seems possible judging by pictures of Kim. That along with a style of showing emotions with their facial expressions.


She'd have to pad her bra ...

Your comment brought back a very funny memory from when Kristen was cast to play Joan Jett in The Runaways.
This was back in the old IMDb talkback days, and someone actually complained that Kristen's breasts were too large for her to play Joan.
I still laugh when I think about that.

Anyway, yes, I agree that Kristen could play Kim Novak, however I doubt that a biographical film on Kim would happen.
Meanwhile, Kristen is still busy working on The Chronology of Water, the feature film that she's planning to direct.
I understand from the recent Variety interview that she did with Nicole Kidman, that she has found an actress to play the lead role in that upcoming film.
