MovieChat Forums > Ethan Suplee Discussion > He's a Scientologist

He's a Scientologist

What is up with Hollywood and Scientology? Do they know some we, as the little people, know don't? I think they're just another full of *beep* organized religion with money being their #1 motive.


Actors, or anyone making a lot of money are prime targets for Scientology because of the... well... huge amount of money they are expected to tithe from their income, plus the free advertising to those enamored with celebs.
That aside, there are quite definitely some hugely talented actors who have gotten sucked in, it certainly doesn't affect that--with the possible exception of the cast of Battlefield Earth.


"expected to"???? I think Scientology requires it.


Sorry to hear that.


Exactly, they know something you don't know and never will know. Think about it, actors (and most entertainers) are pretending to be someone or something else; It's their job! If you did this for a living, I would say you might know something that (as you say) the little people don't know. So they have their own religion, big deal. It's shouldn't effect you one way or the other. Ethan Suplee married into a Scientology family. His wife is the sister of Juliette Lewis. Juliette and her Father (R.I.P.) have been Scientologist since before you were born.

Every person that served can be called a veteran, but not every veteran can be called a Marine.


Wow, are YOU full of crap. What a suck up to a bunch of overpaid McD counter staff.


Scientology actively recruits actors and other public figures. They actually have a dedicated division whose only function is to do so.
