MovieChat Forums > Marsha Thomason Discussion > She's a horrible actress

She's a horrible actress

I've seen Long Time Dead and Haunted Mansion... this chick is horrible, just plain awful. It's a disgrace that these clowns in Hollywood even hire her. I've never seen Las Vegas so I don't know if she's improved or not but she could hardly be any worse than the C- talent I've seen out of her already.


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Opinion noted-Rude, incorrect, and spoken like a true lout (refering to her as a chick? please! 1970 just called, they want their disrespectful slang back from the throwbacks using them) Clowns in Hollywood hiring her? The talent dept. for Disney is known for some quality and the fact that they found a quality British actress that hits her marks so well and also has a successful track record proves she is not in possession of "C- talent". You have a right to your opinion, but such a brash and heavy-handed one was bound to receive a reply, don't you think? In the future I suggest you expand your horizons and judge someones' acting merits on more than 2 examples instesd of dropping such a heavy, final estimation of someones talent next time you feel like posting your comments on a fan forum-I myself did not care for Eddie Murphy's acting the first 2 times I saw him but I found that I grew to enjoy his comedic timing and skill over time.

"in his house at R'lyeh Cthulhu waits dreaming."


I'm sorry but you're wrong and i mean it.She's one of the best actresses i've ever seen and i don't agree with you.She is just great.The only problem is that some stupid people in Hollywood don't hire her.She has a talent,a real talent and deserves much more than that.She should play in big,spectacular movies.She is awesome.I am sure she deserves big roles,sha has to play a main character.She is perfect.


"This chick is horrible"
What an idiot, are you serious?...really?'re kidding right? me a favor? having a laugh?.....wearing beer goggles much?...smack habit treating you bad? are a bad... A LOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This "chick is dope".


Honestly!! Marsha is a WONDERFUL actress who has her craft down pat. She does deserve bigger roles, and now that she's not on that dumb "Las Vegas" show (which did not do her justice) hopefully she'll get some bigger roles.

And Marsha is NOT a "hottie" nor is she a "chick." She's a very beautiful woman, who seems to actually have something that a lot of people on Hollywood don't seem to have these days; decency. She's a clean actress, and doesn't feel the need to show her breasts all over the camera. That modestly is very attractive to me, and makes me admire her all the more.


hahaha you limeys are transparent, I'm not having a go at your country just this pathetic import, get her out of here she makes paris hilton seem like oscar material.


I haved watched her in Las vegas and one thing i know is that she is one of the best british actresses.Stop hating,as far as am concerned she deserves more than the world is giving her.


Oh yes, Disney has great talent, like the son and the midget from Underdog who were absolutely atrocious. And lets not forget the wonderful actors of "Corey in the House" or that "Ned" show, just to name a few...

Disney's heading a bit downhill since they closed their cartoon animation studio and I'll be the first to admit it.

This woman has less talent than a carrot. I've seen "Pure" and as cunning and inventive as the film may be, she was hardly someone I found myself liking. Shes a two-bit actress with a pretty face. Nothing more. As a theatre major in college and an avid movie/theatre buff, I know talent when I see it, and I'm sorry to say, but I've seen dancing birds with more talent than her. Now, I'm not saying she's the worst I've seen, but she is far from the best.
