MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Canada vs Trump; What USA is turning the...

Canada vs Trump; What USA is turning their back on!

Canada. Just another country being alienated by Trump?

Judge for yourself here by watching this ten minute video all the way to the BEST point at the end.


This video is even more shocking than yours!


Trump hasn't called Canada a sh*thole, yet. He may however have called Trudeau an ice-hole.


Parts of Canada are sh*holes. If you were blind folded before being dropped off in such areas, based on the "ethnic" makeup of the vast majority of people seen everywhere you turn, you would think you were in some middle eastern or African sh*thole country. Canada seems hell bent on flooding its shores with marginally skilled (or elderly) 3rd world immigrants as fast as possible, and erasing all signs of its white European heritage as fast as possible. The left needs ethnic voters to stuff those election night ballot boxes with lots and lots of leftie votes, while the right needs a steady supply of cheap labor to keep their corporate puppet string masters happy.

