MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > So the "memo" was smoke & mirrors, like ...

So the "memo" was smoke & mirrors, like the "missing texts," as suspected. What's next?

Trumpets have been itching for some way to vindicate this joke of an administration, and so far, everyone saying "this is just more diversion" has been absolutely correct.

The people who said that his "feed the rich" tax plan was a bad idea... Now the likely future consequences of that tax plan (more government debt, inflation, etc) is tanking the stock market.

What's next? Is anyone tired of winning yet?


Oh yeah... and MAGA-branded Trump supporters are big Fake News fans:

Are we tired of Russia winning yet?


This is fake news as well. Its quite possible you are in a Russian troll farm. Da?


If all news is junk news this just means that Trump supporters are the best conduits for news distribution.

Perhaps if news was fact checked and treated with the ethical maturity the fourth estate should respect it with they'd be the conduits for spreading proper news instead of fake news.

But what do I know, apparently I'm Alt Right and should be punched on sight by Antifa according to the news.


Any left wing media will be biased garbage. The fbi didn't "lie" but omitted relevant information. It's corruption for sure, inside the deep state.

And for sure, you have NO IDEA, OR CLUE of how the stock market works.

I'll cash the $1K bonus, thank you. No thank you, i'll skip the democrat answers of welfare.


They should float around the idea of charging Nunes with obstruction of justice, as he is doing just that - tying desperately to obstruct Mueller's investigation. Nunes will shit his diapers.


That is complete nonsense, and you even suggesting that, well you must of heard it from an idiot on tv, makes your statements really off base.

The FISA warrant that was renewed 3 times, produced NO EVIDENCE.

Do you understand that?

Strzok & Page are a clear indication of anti American corruption and bias, like you.
