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Why do Americans believe the rich care? Complacency?

Why do Americans think the rich care?

Don't they know they are slaves under the illusion of freedom?

You can choose your breakfast, as long as it's cheap non-elite food. You can't have a say in the chemicals used in your food to make more profit from you as you slowly die from cancer.

Your leaders war over land, wealth and power. But the fight is fought with poor or average soldiers. Soldiers on both sides of every war just want to go home alive and live with their family in happiness. The rich won't let you because they are always trying to get richer using your lives as game pawns.

Trump doesn't care about shit hole countries or any citizen of any country. He only cares about money.


I saw this on PBS last night but didn't get a chance to watch it all.

Rich people only care about money is just a fact of life and Trump is no different. In fact everybody involved in the political machine is rich and doesn't care about regular citizens. That includes Dems and Rep alike.


The greatest division in society has always been, and will always be, by class. Even a lot of perceived racism is really nothing more than classism. As the separation grows ever greater, expect another "bourgeois revolution" in the future.


I think somebody is mad that the US became the first country to put a car into space, with a rocket that cost less than $100 million to manufacture without wasting as much resources (around 90$ million to be exact), all funded by the private sector.

Money gets shit done. Medicine and technology wouldn't be so advanced without the rich, so watch who bash mate!


It wasn't the US as in the government had a hand. All they did was model it after the German war criminal inventor of the ballistic missile who was the real person behind the moon landing success no matter how many times the US rewrites history, as victors of war do.
