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More than 100 WH officials do not have full security clearance

Over one year into the T-rump Presidency, and we're now learning more than 100 senior officials - including Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner - still have 'interim clearance', while other senior staff members have acquired 'full security clearance'. Those without full security clearance are prohibited from gaining access to confidential, classified information - but we have seen just the opposite with former employee Rob Porter and Jared Kushner.

The White House is blaming a 'bureaucratic backlog', while others are saying a number of these employees have simply failed to pass security clearance for multiple reasons, and will never get full security.

All this information has come forward after senior official Porter resigned after the media reported on his past history of beating his two ex-wives. The FBI stands by it's claims that they warned the White House multiple times in 2017 that Porter would not get full clearance because of his past, and they advised against him working with sensitive, classified information. The White House refused to remove him from his post.

Currently, Porter's replacement Derek Lyons, who has interim clearance since January 2017, did not have full security clearance either, as of November 2017.


This seems like not the biggest issue to care about be honest. I hate DT but we need to pick our battles.


When the Republicans want to make an issue out of Hillary's email server, it's time they made an issue out of the fact that hundreds of White House officials do not have security clearance - they're not competent nor secure enough to keep our country's secrets, yet they have access to all of them.


This is really frightening, and someone needs to put their foot down and get these people out of the White House!


Can you imagine - once again - if this was under Obama or Hillary's Presidency? Can you imagine the uproar?


I hear you, but no, I couldn't imagine President Obama running a rogue White House. He is far too intelligent to have surrounded himself with national security risk(S).



"The only people who think this is newsworthy are those who know nothing about security clearances."

I disagree.

This is newsworthy because at least on three occasions the FBI warned the White House about Porter's past, and denied him full clearance.

Last summer, Jared Kushner had to keep adding 'ammendments' to his application, because in December/January when he first applied, he 'forgot' all about his meetings with foreign dignitaries in the months prior. He also forgot to report 'a few million dollars' in assets, as well as other vital information.

Ditto for Ivanka Trump.

This is newsworthy - how many other people have failed to get full clearance in the past 13 months, and working with interim clearances who DO NOT belong in the White House, with sensitive top-secret information?



" Unless Jared or Ivanka have omitted very significant facts from their SF-16 forms, they will get the full clearance. "

Yes, they did - they lied about crucial and critical information.Not many people forget they met with 'Russian dignitaries' in the past 6 months, and not many forget about a few million dollars stashed away in an account or in assets.

If they want us to believe they honestly 'forgot' to mention the Russian dignitaries, or forgot their financial status, then they certainly can't be trusted with access to top secret information. They're are plenty of citizens who are more qualified.

If they purposely omitted the information from their SF-16 forms, then they committed a federal offense and belong in jail, not the WH.

"The approval rate for full clearances is over 99% for those who already have an interim clearance."

I'm betting that data was taken prior to the T-rump administration taking over the White House. I'm sure that '99%' is going to fall with his administration.


I bet most of the people bleating about this non-story had no issue with Hillary putting TOP SECRET information on a private server.


She put info on her private server which was later classified as Top Secret after the fact. I have less of a problem with that than with T-rump sharing top secret info with his son-in-law.


LOL! You obviously know nothing about classified information, classification markings, etc. Many classified documents are improperly marked or not marked at all. It is the legal responsibility of those working with such material to recognize its classification level and treat it appropriately. Millions of people do this every single day. Hillary clearly lacked the judgement and integrity to handle that responsibility.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but after years of investigations, in which she sat in front of every committee imaginable and answered every question thrown her way, she was proven to have done nothing illegal. Correct?

No top secret information was 'leaked' or found in the hands of any enemies. Nothing was at risk - certainly not our security. This was all proven.

SO maybe after all this time and wasted taxpayer dollars, we can move on to the present where T-rump is in the White House, his son-in-law is 'negotiating' peace deals in the middle east, armed with portfolios of classified information, and does not have the security clearance to do so. And he's one of over one hundred working under T-rump. Yes, let's stick to the present - the past is over, done, investigated, and proven innocent.


Whataboutism, typical of trolls.


it is a shame because clearance is not hard or take a long time if there are red flags in their files they should be know all who want to hire them


Former US AG Eric Holder was on one of the talk shows last wek. He explained how he was up for security clearances three times in the past 30 years working for the government. Each promotion he got, the security clearance was more intensive - right up to when he was asked to serve as US AG. That one, he said, took 8 weeks - and the Republicans made a huge deal out of it back then (2009). The fact that Kushner and the others have been running around without security clearances and handling top secret info is appalling.


Another imbecile post. Nobody at the White House is handling classified info without a security clearance.


You need to read up on what's been going on in the past fourteen months. You're stuck on Stormy Daniels porno.


Interim clearances ARE security clearances. You really know nothing about the subject.


Does Jarvanka still have access to classified info with their interim clearance?
