MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Will Trump receive a Nobel Peace Prize?

Will Trump receive a Nobel Peace Prize?

If Trump can negotiate an agreement leading to the denuclearization of North Korea and the lifting of sanctions against that country, he would be a lock for a Nobel Prize. There is simply no way around it. They gave Gore a peace prize for global warming, and Obama got one for delivering pretty speeches. It would be fun watching the left's heads explode while Trump gets a prize for world peace. Hahahahahahaha!


Good one! I LOLed👍


That would be great for the world. Trump needs a win, too. I don't like Trump, but if he can accomplish something good, he will deserve recognition for it.


"If Trump can negotiate an agreement leading to the denuclearization of North Korea and the lifting of sanctions against that country, he would be a lock for a Nobel Prize. "

Will they release him from Federal Pen to receive the prize? I doubt it.


FYI, there was already a nuclear treaty with North Korea in the 90's. They pulled out of it in 2003.

This is nothing new.

North Korea doesn't care what anyone else thinks. They've played this game many times before.

Here is some more history on the matter:


Honestly, I wouldn't be against it if he hadn't done the $400 billion weapons deal with the Saudis who are using them to obliterate Yemeni men, women and children.

Engaging in that deal put him right up there with warhawks like McCain and Hillary. Without it, he could've passed himself off as a peaceful president due to his ceasefire with Syria, something Hillary never would've done. But that's typical Trump. He starts with a good business model, then sinks it into the ground.


The Saudis are the good guys.


The Saudis attacked us on 9/11.


The Saudi government had nothing to do with it. Try again.


The Saudi government is responsible for the libraries and television programs containing Wahhabi material that creates groups like Al Qaeda to form within their borders. Iran, Iraq, Palestine, Kuwait, Jordan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Oman, UAE, and Turkey do not have that problem. The only government that rivals Saudi's Wahhabism is Qatar's.


Trump is a thankless hero, he is the dark knight. The hero we need but not the one we deserve.


"Trump" and "hero" don't belong in the same sentence.


Unless Trump is eating a hero sandwich, of course. We know he loves his sandwiches.
