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Guccifer 2.0 revealed to be working for Russia

At first some tried to pass him off as a random Romanian working on his own behalf. Now we learn he worked for the GRU. On one occasion he forgot to turn on his VPN to hide his IP and it landed smack in the Kremlin. Oopsie.

For those who don't know, Trump's adviser Roger Stone was the guy relaying Guccifer 2.0's DNC email hacks to wikileaks and the Trump campaign.

So I'm guessing Roger Stone's defense will change from "we did not collude with Russia" to something along the lines of "we didn't know we were colluding with Russia."


“Collusion” to spread accurate information, on a free and open internet. I guess that is a crime in the eyes of the Left’s corporate media. Remember when the New York Times colluded with America’s 17 intelligence communities to cause the Iraq war with a lie about WMDs? Guccifer whoever he is is a hero.


Illegally obtained information. At the Watergate hotel, people stole DNC info to give it to the Nixon campaign. But, but, but it was all accurate information that they stole!!! Yeah, good luck with that one. I guess with the username BornRetarded you can pretty much get away with typing anything.


It’s whistleblowing.


Stealing one side's presidential campaign info to give it to the opposition is not mere whistleblowing. It's specifically designed to help one side defeat the other in an election, and it is illegal.

Again, Nixon's people stole DNC campaign info at the Watergate. It's just as illegal if Nixon's people got it from Russia. It's just as illegal if Nixon's people leaked it to wikileaks. There's no magical situation that makes it anything other than stealing info from one side to help the other.


You live up to your username, every time you post.


“Can’t we just drone Assange?”

You lost. Get over it.


It's not Assange who is at fault here. Wikileaks did the right thing in reporting the info they were given. I wish they had info from both sides, or had a disclaimer that it was a partisan hack, but you take what you can get.

Guccifer 2.0 was in the wrong for stealing the info and giving it to Roger Stone. Roger Stone was in the wrong for taking stolen info from Guccifer 2.0 while working as a Trump adviser. It doesn't get any more clear cut than that.
