MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Would Democrats have a problem with Trum...

Would Democrats have a problem with Trump if he ...

... drove a car into the fucking OCEAN, allowed his passenger to drown, and failed to report the incident until the next day?

I'm inclined to think they would.


That's SUCH a stretch, I'm gonna call you Mr. Fantastic!


The Dems supported Kennedy for decades after this incident, but are up in arms over a porn star getting paid off. FUCK them.


Which Dems? The exact same Dems? Seems like most of them would have changed out in the many years between these incidents.

What about Fox News and the way it would have treated Barack Obama if he had been embroiled in stuff like this?


Kennedy drove a car into the ocean? I don't think so. You need to take a trip to Chappy and see for yourself. It's quite beautiful this time of year. -


Republicans create the tactics. You're goddamn right democrats can use them in return.

Republicans voted to impeach Bill Clinton for lying about a blowjob. You're goddamn right democrats can go after Trump for lying and covering his ass by threatening and silencing a porn star during a presidential campaign.

Republicans investigated Hillary Clinton for years over an attack against a diplomatic compound without ever providing evidence that it was a result of her negligence, and republicans eventually admitted it was done for partisan purposes. You're goddamn right democrats can go after Trump for helping Russian oligarchs launder their money in exchange for helping him win the election.

Republicans investigated Hillary Clinton for over a year for having a private email server. You're goddamn right democrats can go after Trump for having a back channel to Russia, holding a secret meeting with Russian officials, and telling Russian hackers that they'd be rewarded for committing cyber espionage against the US, especially when there's proof a Russian hacker hacked into a government server.

Republicans and democrats agreed to impeach Nixon after his Saturday Night Massacre. You're goddamn right democrats can do it again if Trump fires Sessions and Rosenstein to nix the Mueller investigation.





Well done!


Would Republicans have a problem with Melania if she....drove drunk and killed her ex-boyfriend and then had no charges against her because her family were big supporters of the GOP?

I'm inclined to think they wouldn't.



The Bush family? You mean the people who hate Trump? You're always good for a laugh, Doggiedummy.


Yes, I mean the Bush family. The GOP dynasty. Who cares if they hate T-rump? That’s not the question you idiot.


Laura Bush wasn't drunk. Another brazen fabrication from a psychopath. She also wasn't a US Senator for 40 years. Thanks for playing loser.





Good work 310. I will say that Bobby Kennedy was the exception. If he had been president, which he definitely would have become, it would be a different world today. For example, trump supporter a-holes probably would have never existed.


I don't like Trump either, but saying he should drown in a lake ain't right. Policy wise he's republican light just like Hillary, and not as much of a neocon as the rest of his party. His shenanigans are disgusting, but only in the context of a sitting president. Outside of the presidency his behavior is that of a typical billionaire schmuck.


I disagree dlancer. These people are destroying my country.


What people?


Trump and his administration and most republicans.


I thought Obama and his cronies ruined America for 8 years.
