MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > A self made billionaire (who inherited $...

A self made billionaire (who inherited $1 billion from his dad)

LOL what a hopeless dick. If it hadn't been for his family he'd probably be cleaning dishes in some diner right now (if he was lucky).


Another demokkkrat dumbass who doesn’t have a clue what they’re talking about. 1 million stupid.

And he went bankrupt in the 80s when congress changed the tax laws eliminating real estate write offs. Did he whine and cry? No he built an even bigger empire. And then destroyed loser Hilary and became president.

And now we benefit from the strongest economy in a quarter of a century. Despite the demokkkrats and their worthless unaccomplished media.



The real travesty is that he was able to inherit so much from Fred Trump when all evidence would suggest he was not even the biological child of Fred Trump.

Mary Anne was always pretty open that she only ever hooked up with Fred to secure US citizenship and evade prosecution for illegal immigration.

She regularly returned home to Scotland and had unprotected full sex with many former lovers and family members.

Fred Trump even acknowledged in his will that his marriage to Mary Anne was never consummated and she should not be made beneficiary in his inheritance.


What a family! That's one big mulligan from the Evangelicals!


his finances are irrelevant. the american public will elect whoever the mainstream media tell them to. barack obama was not rich or successful or an appealing candidate but the usa voters elected him twice simply because the media demanded it.
