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Dems sinking fast in the polls!

"The Democratic advantage in the midterm elections among voters nationwide has narrowed since January, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll released Monday.

Democratic candidates were favored to Republican candidates by 4 percentage points (47%) among registered voters in a generic congressional ballot -- down from a 12-point edge when the poll was last taken in January."

Keep blaming Russia for everything you stupid fucks. It's obviously working. Hahahahahahahaha


A 4-point lead is still a 4-point lead.

While Trump's approval rating ticked up from 36% in January, his majority disapproval rating remains historically high for a president in their second year in office.


Trump had low approval ratings right before he got elected. Hahahahahahahahahaha


Which is why he needed that big boost from Russia!


And Cambridge Analytica, and the Comey letter. And most of all, he needed Hillary to not campaign in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.


That’s right! Lol


Woulda coulda shoulda. Hillary's campaign would've gone down in flames had she been prosecuted for deliberately putting classified information on a private server. Almost anyone else would be languishing in prison right now.


LMAO. "Big boost from Russia". It doesn't get any more delusional than that.


I guess low standards for the president are the norm these days.


His base is generally made up of low standards otherwise they would not have elected him.


Trump is a much bigger success story than Hillary. It's not even close.


Who knows. His wealth is generated by himself talking about his wealth. Without that billionaire status, the Trump name is valueless. So even if he was penniless, we'd never find out about it. Meanwhile, the people with real wealth like Bloomberg, Soros, Adelson, Mercer, the Kochs, Buffet, etc never boast about how much money they've made. The reason is they don't need to convince anyone. Their bank accounts do it for them. The Clintons don't gain anything from the world knowing they're worth a billion or two. For Trump, that's all he has. He's the most superficial "billionaire" that has ever lived.


The Clintons aren't worth anywhere near a billion.


Excellent post dlancer! The old true saying - those with money never let you know that have it.


"For Trump, that's all he has."

+ the satisfaction of walking dry that mudhole he stomped in Hillary Clinton's ass...8 November 2016.

Woo Hoo!!!


And while the wrong wing starves our education system at every chance, it's no surprise some PT Barnum/Rainmaker types can woo enough yokels to think they are working in their behalf, when they are getting fleeced. Those who see through the act are labeled un-American.


As a Trump supporter you of all people should know that polls don’t mean dirt. It works both ways.


No, it doesn't work both ways. That doesn't even make sense.


The Dems could pole poorly and still win elections just like Trump can work both ways. The polls of today mean nothing because this is a fluid situation and a lot can happen and change in 7+ months. So paying attention and reporting this news seems pointless and a waste of time but feel free to squeeze blood from that stone if it makes you feel better.


They never had a lead. As we learned from the 2016 presidential election, and previous elections. Polls are weighted 5-10% in favor of demokkrats. Hence why Hilary’s big landslide turned into a big fail.

Same will happen in November. Best case for Demokkkrats, they don’t lose any seats. And since 3/4 of the seats up for election are demokkkrat, it’s likely they’ll lose again.

And then the demokkkrats and their lemmings will blame Russian tweeter bots.



You and your hashtag are a cozy fit.
