MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Jobless claims lowest in 48 years

Jobless claims lowest in 48 years

"New applications for U.S. unemployment benefits dropped to their lowest level in more than 48 years last week, suggesting that March's slowdown in job growth was probably temporary."

"The labor market is considered to be near or at full employment. The unemployment rate is at a 17-year low of 4.1 percent, not far from the Federal Reserve's forecast of 3.8 percent by the end of this year."

But, but, but ... the economy must be tanking because gas prices are rising! Doggiedummy told me so!


Great to see the country benefiting from the economic recovery that should’ve happened 9 years ago. Still lots of work to do but it’s a start.

Poor brainless hate filled demokkkrat lemmings will have to find something to focus their hate on this weekend. What could it be?



No “hate” for Dems to focus on this weekend, just deep concern. To see the President of the USA, leader of the free world, to mentally unravel on television for 25 minutes this morning is very worrying to us.

To see the three hosts try to save him by cutting him off with “ Sorry, we're running out of time...” just to get him off the air ( first time in TV history that a President was thrown off the air) is frightening to those citizens who care about our country.

To see him destroy his own criminal defense by becoming unhinged is heartbreaking.

That is the Democratic concern this weekend, and what we will be focused on for a very long time.

He needs an intervention at this point, not interviews.
