MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Stormy Daniels: Slimeball Extortionist?

Stormy Daniels: Slimeball Extortionist?

For all the talk of Trump being a low character guy, it is Stormy and her lawyer who are the real villains in this case. What kind of a low-life would demand money from someone over a perfectly legal and consensual affair? More importantly, why aren't Stormy and her lawyer under investigation for extortion/blackmail? It's obvious that they approached Trump during the election and asked for money. That's the textbook definition of extortion, which happens to be a federal crime. Why isn't this bitch and her scumbag legal team in jail?


She & her mouthpiece are just puppets bankrolled by the people who detest Trump.

Let 'em crawl for it, like the dogs they are.


What kind of a lowlife would offer hush money to someone and make them sign an NDA for a perfectly legal and consensual affair? And then lie about it again and again?


So you think it's a coincidence that her lawyer at the time (Keith Davidson) was once investigated by the FBI for extorting Hulk Hogan over a sex tape? It was revealed today that Davidson is the one who wrote Stormy's contract with Trump. In fact, the contract is virtually identical to the contract he peddled to Hogan.

Hahahahahahaha, what a scam this story is!


Keith Davidson has been exposed as a scam lawyer who did not work in the best interests of his clients:

It's also been widely reported that he had a previous cozy relationship with Michael Cohen as they appeared to work in tandem to silence negative stories on Trump. He also represented Trump mistress Karen McDougal and his poor representation of McDougal was cited in her successful suit to be let out of her NDA.

Hard to imagine he won't be disbarred after this is all said and done.

Not sure why you think Davidson's fraudulent representation of Stormy is somehow vindication for Trump. The facts as reported about him seem to suggest the exact opposite.





Once again 3to10 IQ lives up to his legendary nickname. Gloating over his snap assumptions about a story he hasn't even bothered to look into himself.


He couldn't have a more spot on term to describe him. I once again have to give you props for coining it.


Thank you, but it was rather easy.


That's the weakest shit anyone has come up with yet because it completely ignores the NDA. The NDA only helps Trump's side, and no extortionist would force such a thing against themselves.

Is Hannity running out of ideas?


Stormy's lawyer at the time wrote the contract. Try again.


You're just intentionally confusing two things into one. The NDA and the drafting of the NDA are separate things. Once you've agreed to an NDA, it's always better to have your attorney be the one that drafts it. However, it wasn't all on that one attorney's shoulders. Cohen himself admitted he was involved in the negotiating and drafting of the NDA.


See what happens when idiots watch too much Hannity?


It's very unfortunate. The shills are willing to go so far as to pretend there was no negotiation process between both lawyers, just for the sake of narrative. It really doesn't get any more dishonest.


Avenatti (who seems to be a straight shooter) was on TV again yesterday, and he reiterated the story that ABC's "GMA" got in touch with Daniels in late October, 2016 to be interviewed, as they had discovered her "In Touch" interview from 2011. Apparently, it seems GMA (in all fairness) got in touch with T-rump's campaign team, too and let them know / asked them for an interview on what they discovered. THAT is when Cohen/T-rump contacted Daniels and offered her 'hush money' and an NDA not to go through with the scheduled interview, or any other interview in the future.Her lawyer at the time (who is now cooperating with the Feds) advised her to sign it.

And this is what T-rump says he knew nothing / everything about - depending on what day of the week it is.


Just another bimbo droppin drawers for dollars.

CNN can’t stop fapping to her. Shocker.

Still no evidence of Russian collusion.

Still no evidence of a demokkkrat platform.



Droppin drawers for dollars sounds a lot better than droppin drawers so you can get spanked by a porn star pretending to be your daughter.


So have you given up on this talking point yet? Now that it's clear Trump is denying the affair which negates your "perfectly legal and consensual affair" talking point, what's your new one?


Except that makes absolutely no sense. Whether or not Trump denies the affair has no bearing on it being legal and consensual. LMAO. You guys are abandoning all logic in your mad dash to take down Trump. It ain't gonna work.


Just another lie.

Trump supporters don't seem to mind that he's pathological.


Bill Clinton is pathological and you guys didn't mind. What's good for the goose, is sauce for the gander.



"Whether or not Trump denies the affair has no bearing on it being legal and consensual."

Sure it does. If there was no affair, as Trump is claiming, then there wasn't a legal and consensual affair.

The only way it has no bearing on a legal and consensual affair is if Trump's denial is a lie.

So what's your talking point now? Was it a legal and consensual affair, or was it something else?

It's the simplest of questions. There's no need to dodge it.


So you're really going to double down on this nonsensical line of thought?

Let me dumb it down for you:

1. If there was an affair, it was legal and consensual.

2. If there wasn't an affair, that means Stormy is a colossal liar in addition to being a slimeball.

Whether or not Trump lied about the affair means jack shit to me. I'm not interested in his love life. Bill Clinton lied UNDER OATH about his affairs, but somehow you guys made him out to be the victim.


You really are kind of dense, aren't you? The reason this "affair" is in the news is not because of some illicitness Trump may have indulged in...I don't care about that just like I didn't care about Clinton's sexual shenanigans.

This matter is being investigated in order to determine if the hush money paid to Daniels came from the RNC campaign fund. That happens to constitute a CRIME and that's why this is important news, you moron.


"1. If there was an affair, it was legal and consensual."

Okay, so follow that logic. If it was legal and consensual, how could she extort money for it when she admits herself that it was legal and consensual?

"2. If there wasn't an affair, that means Stormy is a colossal liar in addition to being a slimeball."

Which wasn't in your OP which also called her a slimeball, but okay. Now follow that logic. If it was a lie, how could she so easily extort $130,000 for something that didn't happen?

Both of your choices completely miss the mark on her ability to extort money and what the money was for. Is it intentional deception on your part, or are you really that ignorant?


Even if that's true, it doesn't negate the fact that Trump is a sleaze.


All men are sleaze. You ever eat it and even attempt to wash your face afterward, even think about it? No. You let it air dry & race back in here to the Trump Board. I pass you every fuckin' time, jacob. You big jingle heimer schmidt, you.


Agreed, and when guys do sleazy shit like pay a porn star to keep quiet before an election, those sleazy guys deserve to get caught for being sleazy. Excusing the guys that have power is just being a cuck.


...don't be so hard on yourself, lancer. Bill Clinton is just as human as the next man.
