MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Dow up +300 again, again, again

Dow up +300 again, again, again

The Trump boom continues.

Dow rallying on news of a “cease fire” in the socalled trade war with China that never happened.

This is what happens when Americans elect a pro business pro American voter president.

Bye bye Obama 1% growth. Bye bye Obama/Pilosi “funemployment”.


What boom? Wages are still abysmal. Tax cuts, 83 percent went to the top. Eventually middle class's taxes will go up. Theyre doing a Dooh Nibor.

It's a bubble. Want to go over last time we deregulated and cut taxes in the 10s-20s-30s (Im sure you know what happened)....Reagan..we went into a recession....Bush Jr....went into a recession. I see a pattern forming. It's a boom-bust cycle. The market is an indication is how the rich is doing not the average joe.
We got a trillion dollars in student loan and credit card debt.
Wages have been stagnant since 1980s....we got an unregulated market which can burst, wallstreet bought properties and rent them out for big cash.
Half of workers in US makes 30K or less.
Our infrastructure is rated a D+
The richest 6 people own more wealth than the bottom 50 percent of people.

We got so many problems man....
