MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > IOWA PORK PRODUCERS LIKELY TO LOSE OVER ...


Recession here we come! It's going to hit these stupid red states FIRST!!!

Iowa pork producers already dealing with a 25 percent tariff on U.S. pork exports to China could face another trade hit, with Mexico considering a 20 percent tariff on hams and pork shoulders.

A 12 oz. pork chop served with soy citrus marinade, apple compote, buttermilk mashed potatoes and market vegetables.
A 12 oz. pork chop served with soy citrus marinade, apple compote, buttermilk mashed potatoes and market vegetables.
Growing trade worries have cut pork prices in recent weeks, costing Iowa producers about $560 million, said Dermot Hayes, an Iowa State University economist.

Mexico is the largest export market for U.S. pork, based on volume.

Mexico bought $1.5 billion of U.S. pork last year, followed by China-Hong Kong at nearly $1.1 billion.

The tariffs are "potentially devastating news for Iowa’s pig farmers and the rural Iowa economy," said Gregg Hora, president of the Iowa Pork Producers Association.

► More: What the latest round of pork tariffs could do to your Iowa grocery bill

Mexico bought $1.5 billion of U.S. pork last year, followed by China-Hong Kong at nearly $1.1 billion.
Mexico bought $1.5 billion of U.S. pork last year, followed by China-Hong Kong at nearly $1.1 billion.
The state is the nation's largest pork producer, raising about 40 to 50 million animals annually.

The association said about 27 percent of all Iowa and U.S. production is exported, accounting for nearly 40 percent of an average animal's value last year.

Hora, who raises pigs near Fort Dodge, said he hopes the U.S., Canada and Mexico trade officials stop using food as a "negotiating tactic."

The added costs with the tariffs hurt consumers in China and potentially Mexico.

"We’ve worked many years, spent a lot of time and money building trade relationships to expand markets in Canada, Mexico and other key economic trading countries," Hora said.

"We’re concerned about the loss of market share we’ve built up over the years," he said, adding that he hopes U.S. trade officials "rectify this situation immediately."

► Previously: Chinese soybean tariff would hit Iowa's economy hardest, new report says

President Donald Trump announced Thursday the U.S. would implement a 25 percent tariff on steel and 10 percent tariff on aluminum imported from Mexico, Canada and the European Union.

In response, Canada said Friday it would levy tariffs on $12.8 billion in U.S. goods, including steel, aluminum and whiskey.

Riders wait in line for a Mr. Pork Chop pork chops in Curlew, Iowa, on the second day of RAGBRAI 2017.
Riders wait in line for a Mr. Pork Chop pork chops in Curlew, Iowa, on the second day of RAGBRAI 2017.
Europe has proposed targeting U.S. icons such as Harley-Davidson, Levi’s jeans and Kentucky bourbon. Mexico also said it would look at tariffs on steel, blueberries and other products.

The threat of pork tariffs comes during peak demand — summertime grilling.

"This should be an extremely profitable time for producers, but that's no longer the case," Hayes said.

► Related: Can U.S. agency that brought us government cheese protect farmers from tariff fallout?

The pork industry normally would look to China to buy its excess pork, "but China's now closed," he said, with its tariffs making U.S. products less competitive.

He said producers had been close to breaking even financially before the tariffs were introduced, but now they're looking at losses.


But Tina, you forgot to mention Hillary’s emails and how corrupt Comey was in that investigation!

And let’s not forget the fact that Obama placed “ spies” in T-rumps campaign.

And you’re not talking about the fake witch hunt!

I mean who cares about red states like Iowa who voted for T-rump are going to be killed with these tariffs because of him? More important: Hillary is not in jail yet even though she used her private email server!

C’ mon Tina...let’s put things into Rethuglikkkan perspective.



Yawn. Another 5000 word end of the world cut and paste that will be the zillionth end of the world prediction from demokkkrats that completely fails.

Theyre literally batting .000.

Advice to the lemmings. Stop following the demokkkrat media. They’re not making your lives better. They’re just making you obsessed hate filled losers. Don’t be a loser.

Still no demokkkrat platform.



So pork producers are worried, and all you can say is Propaganda?
So much for our hard-working, US producers. Shrug them off like some minor annoyance.
Instead, let's make $$ by creating a phantom Trump University, and building Buildings and stiffing the contractors and staff.
That's how work get's done -- create a fake plan and convince people to buy in then walk away because it's the way bizness is and your lawyers are confident they will make $$ one way or the other regardless.
Gotta luv this Prez. He appeals to everyone's worst instincts, and those types love it.


Interesting mixture of hysteria and exaggeration. You failed to include the part at the end of the article. I wonder why?

Most producers should be able to withstand the hit, with strong profits since 2014. "They're going into this with really strong balance sheets," Hayes said.

Even though the trade disruption hurts Iowa farmers, it will help consumers with increased pork supplies.

"If these duties go in place, this would be a great time to fill up your freezer with hams," he said.

The sky is falling! Hahahahaha


Most producers should be able to withstand the hit, with strong profits since 2014. "They're going into this with really strong balance sheets," Hayes said.
2014? 2014? I thought the world ended under then President Obama and only someone new could save the world from all of the turmoil and disaster??!!

Was all of that just hyperbole and puffery???


So you're saying Obama presided over five years of substandard pork profits? Epic fail.

Also, I didn't realize pork profits in Iowa were such a reliable barometer of worldwide "turmoil" and "disaster". I'm sure the victims of ISIS died with a happy heart knowing that some corporate pig farm was raking in the dough.


"Most producers should be able to withstand the hit, with strong profits since 2014. "They're going into this with really strong balance sheets," Hayes said."

"So you're saying Obama presided over five years of substandard pork profits? Epic fail."
Makeup your mind and stick as close as you can to your one and only narrative.

Don't bother. You've already told everyone who and what you are. Carry on.



Private Server!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I know. Those were really horrible scandals.


Fake scandals. Expensive investigations. Zero charges.


Yet it is alright for producers to deliberately slow down production in order to raise the price of their product. Also, why are other nations NOT importing meat from America? Perhaps if they got off their "better yield" mentality and concentrated on "customer preference" then they might fair better in the market place. (I am referring the EU not importing due to hormone placement). Don't get me wrong, Im no Trump fan, but I trust corporate America even less.
