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IG report to slam Slimeball Comey!

"[T]he exhaustive review of a momentous period in the department's history is expected to criticize former FBI Director James Comey's handling of the investigation at key junctures for violating departmental norms."


The timing on the demokkkrat leak is telling. The day after the primaries? Haha!!! Clearly the demokkkrat hate machine is trying to get ahead of the IG report by leaking on a day their media can attempt to ignore it. Unfortunately the report is going to be devastating to the demokkkrat party and the corrupt Obama members of the FBI and CIA.

As usual the demokkkrat media attempt is not going to work. By the time the release of the report occurs the demokkkrat media will try to claim its old news. This has been their playbook for at least a decade. Unfortunately for their hate machine this report is the final nail in the coffin for the Mueller witch hunt which has still found zero evidence of Trump/Russia collusion.

It’s very well possible a real special prosecutor will be appointed and demokkkrats at the highest levels could be facing felony charges for the extensive illegalities that occurred during their failed attempt at carrying loser Hilary into the White House.

The other possibility is Trump just continues to look forward and stay focused on continueing the Trump/American economic boom thanks to his pro business pro Americans policies.

As always, it will be fun to watch the pathetic demokkkrat party and their media’s simple minded predictable shenanigans.


You should try reading the article. It will help tamp down your dreams of a 2nd special prosecutor.

Inspector General Michael Horowitz is expected to recommend the department devise further written guidelines that would have addressed some of the actions taken by Comey.


"Unfortunately for their hate machine this report is the final nail in the coffin for the Mueller witch hunt which has still found zero evidence of Trump/Russia collusion."

This article is not about the Trump/Russia investigation. Not at all.

"Unfortunately the report is going to be devastating to the demokkkrat party and the corrupt Obama members of the FBI and CIA."

One of the things the article mentions that is being looked at is Comey's timing, days before the Nov. 2016 election, with saying he had further investigation into Hillary Clinton.

That is often pointed out as seriously hurting Hillary's chances at winning the election.

Nothing related to the Trump investigation.

You need to start reading links before commenting on them.


I don't think he reads.


He also replies to topics without comprehending the subject matter, like his reply to my topic about 19 times Trump called the jobs numbers fake.


Did you read your own link?

If you did I find it rather hilarious that the IG criticism is purely about how Comey failed to follow departmental protocol on the CLINTON PROBE!

But we already knew that. He decided to disregard department policy and virtue signal on center stage by making public announcements regarding the Clinton investigation during campaign season. It's a big reason why she lost remember? Nate Silver crunched the numbers and seemed to think so.

Nothing about his handling of the investigation into the Trump campaign. So this news should be a let down to you.


They truly have trouble with basic reading skills. The dumbing down of America ( no child left behind) or too much Ambien?


If 3to10IQ and Gd5150 took ambien together it wouldn't matter.

It's not like their combined cognitive abilities could become even more irreparably damaged than they already are.




Yeah, you're actually looking at details and facts though. Something that Republicans can't be bothered with.


Yup. Comey had a hero complex. Trump cut him loose before Comey could virtue signal the crimes of Flynn along with every other cabinet criminal I mean member.


Another day, another strawman argument from "eYeDEF". I never said anything about the Russia investigation, but it's hardly a stretch to claim (as Gd5150 does) that this is a blow to its credibility. The two most powerful people at the FBI when the investigation was first launched are being outed as corrupt SOB's. That's hugely significant. Now fuck off.


rofl! Hilarious you falsely accuse me of straw manning while STRAW MANNING YOURSELF!

I never accused you of mentioning Russia you meteoric tool. YOU DID! You set yourself up and blow yourself down all on your own. luuulz!

I pointed out that the lack of any mention of Comey's handling of his investigation into the Trump campaign should be a let down to you because we're already well aware of his missteps with regard to the Clinton probe.

That was the real story behind the story of your link which you missed entirely.

It's no secret that Hair Furor badly wanted to see the IG report name Comey mishandling the probe into his campaign so he could claim the whole investigation is tainted. That makes his disappointment also your disappointment since you live vicariously through him. Don't get upset at me for gloating at your disappointment. ;D


"Hair Furor" That's funny! 🤣


My bad. I thought you were falsely accusing me (like you did with Gd5150) of believing the IG report was about the Russia investigation. You were actually making a completely illogical and idiotic argument for why I should be "let down" by the IG report. Bravo! I would suggest working on your writing skills, which are unfortunately rather poor.


lolz! You haven't learned by now that whenever you try to respond to my critiques of your failures you *always* end up confirming my point in a monumental self own?

You didn't disappoint. All you need to do is scroll up to see I never accused Gd5150 of believing the IG report was about Russia either. LOLZ!

I do enjoy watching you flail like this. :D

So are you really trying to convince me that it's "logical" to believe Comey and McCabe's poor handling of the Clinton investigation that benefited your Hair Furor somehow affects the credibility of the investigation into your Furor's campaign?

If that is your reasoning then what you just presented is a logical fallacy. Fault in protocol as it relates to one investigation does not prove fault in a separate investigation. That actually requires evidence to be true, for which there is none.

But you're making your bitterness about this fact a little too obvious. ;D


Instead of just slamming Comey and Lynched why not put them in the slammer.
