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Trump's approval rising fast, on track with other two-term Presidents!

"President Donald Trump's approval has moved to 44% among registered voters, according to a new poll from NBC/WSJ, an improvement from the 39% approval he saw in April among all adults."

"NBC points out that 44% is a similar approval rating to those Ronald Reagan (in June 1982) and Barack Obama (in June 2010) had before their midterm elections, in which both parties lost significant seats in the House."

CNN and NBC desperately want to find something negative in these numbers, but they failed to mention the massive GOP advantage in the 2010 generic ballot. Democrats only have a 5-6% advantage in the generic ballot right now. Sad!


And when you look at the bigger picture which encompasses all Americans who could vote in November 2018 and November 2020:

Trump is at 41.8% approval, according to 538 which averages surveys which takes in all voters - registered or not on the day of polling.


Factor in the 10% error of margin in favor of demokkkrats that exists in all political polls outside of a week before an election.


2010 was when Democrats ate their own. They pushed aside the progressive public option in favor of a private mandate, they sided against progressives by making the Bush era tax cuts permanent, and they sided against the progressive Occupy Wall Street movement. That was the year Obama and his White House turned corporate republican. After losing in the midterms, they continued as corporate republicans.

Trump hasn't changed at all. He's the same guy that was inaugurated, and he was the same before he was inaugurated. Why isn't he at 50%? There's no reason for him to not be... except maybe for the fact that more people voted for his opponent, but we're not supposed to talk about that.


no one mentions that the country has more population than ever over 300 million so percentages mean nothing could be 10 people like Trump


Nobody mentions it because the population is always increasing, and at a steady incline.


T-rump is the most unpopular and unliked President in history, and that is eating away at him like a cancer.


Off the top of my head...Bush, Carter, Ford, Nixon, and Truman all had worse approval ratings. He's on track with Reagan and Obama, who cruised to re-election. You mad?


Golly, Mr. Trump, those sure are some big ideas to stop those illegals from taking the jobs of people in border states, but we're all the way up here in the Rust Belt. We gave you the election because we were tired of all the non-action with helping us here in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, and all we're seeing is more jobs being shipped away. You talked a big game here in 2016, and that Hillary character was on TV a lot but was nowhere to be seen locally. Now there's this democrat offering us medicare for all, a $15 an hour wage, free college, and a guaranteed job for anyone that wants it. Also, we're blue states, Mr. Trump.

- Future Rust-Belter

Presidents generally win reelection by default simply by being the incumbent, but out of those that won reelection, none of them had to deal with this situation. Good luck, Trump.


Free college and guaranteed jobs? Holy crap! I hope the Dems go all in on that ridiculous platform

reply better hope they dont.
While you jerk off over Trumps amazing 44 percent approval rating..Bernie has a 76 approval rating
U mad bro?


There’s hope for you. But first you need to get your GED before you go to college for free.


Most unpopular and unliked in history. It’s eating away at him every minute of every day.


2020 is still a long way away.

And Trump hopefully won't even be in office by the time it rolls around. The Mueller investigation could be done by then.
