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Trump lays down the law on backstabbing Canucks!

"PM Justin Trudeau of Canada acted so meek and mild during our @G7 meetings only to give a news conference after I left saying that, “US Tariffs were kind of insulting” and he “will not be pushed around.” Very dishonest & weak. Our Tariffs are in response to his of 270% on dairy!"



Trumps way out of line.

Trade war hurts everyone.


Trump doesn't play well with others.


That's just it, he ain't playing. The party is over. These countries have been pilfering us for decades. No more.

They all have universal health care. Why? Because we're paying for it, while our people have no health care, or, OBAMACARE.

We have had to be out of fucking minds to put up with this shit situation for this many decades.

Fight on, Mr. President!!!

P.S., Trudeau's wife is beautiful. Her husband is almost as pretty.


Nah, you just don't understand the economics of international trade Culburn. He's relying on the blissful ignorance of his supporters like you to parrot exactly what you're saying.

All tariffs on Canada does is drive up prices for the American consumer. You're the one paying for what amounts to an additional tax on goods imported from Canada.

The upside of free trade is cheaper prices for American consumers.

The possible downside is the loss of US manufacturing jobs, as companies take their business to countries with cheaper labor costs to stay competitive. But even this argument is highly contentious among economists, as there's ample reason to believe companies would have bailed for cheaper labor markets to become even more profitable anyway regardless of whether prices in the US remained inflated prior to NAFTA.

Regardless of which side you're on, the US is NOT losing jobs from companies bailing to Canada (if anything, it's the opposite) so enacting tariffs on Canada serves absolutely no purpose except to hit Americans with higher prices. Not just that, the US does NOT suffer a trade deficit with Canada unlike the lie Hair Furor told you on twitter. The US actually ran a 2.8 billion SURPLUS with Canada in 2017.

So tariffs on Canadian goods is utterly pointless outside of making you pay more Culburn. You fell badly for Hair Furor's shtick. We are not paying for Canadian healthcare.


If it's such a good deal let's switch it for equal amount of time it's been in force on us.

They won't. They'll fuck us because we're easy and we have lots of money.


My point is that Canada is not fucking us Culburn. Those tariffs on Canadian goods are paid to the US government, and the higher cost of doing business with the US for Canadian companies producing those goods means higher prices for you when you buy them.

The only thing tariffs on Canada does is make their shit more expensive for you Culburn.

You can make an argument for tariffs on China and Mexico that US companies might think twice about moving there if their profit margins won't be as great.

You can't for Canada because US companies don't move there.


I like you, DEF, but, I'm going with the President here.

He ain't failed me yet.


You realize, right, that the entire Republican establishment is against the president on this because they're well aware that it hurts the US far more than it helps?

I'm just pointing out that you might still be "going with the President" on this, but in the end you're still paying for it.



Hehe. Ok, so long as you're ok paying a premium to support him, I can't argue with your enthusiasm to do so with eyes wide open.

I just don't want to hear anything from you later about how you got conned. He's built his wealth on getting people to pay way more for stuff he slapped his name on, but if you're a true brand loyalist who doesn't mind getting gouged for the privilege (and I have no doubt you are) then knock yourself out. Just admit it instead of saying unsupportable things like we're paying for Canadian healthcare. ;D


Well, now I don't know what I said to you because it was deleted.---

We are paying for Canadian healthcare.

And I am staying by his side. If he screws me I'll be the first one to admit it. He hasn't yet.


Lol tariffs don't pay for our healthcare.

If you knew anything you'd know our healthcare system is provincially based and funded.

The tariffs are federal. Stop believing "alternative facts"


Lol tariffs don't pay for our healthcare.

If you knew anything you'd know our healthcare system is provincially based and funded.

The tariffs are federal. Stop believing "alternative facts"


We pay for our own 'free' health care via National Insurance tax.


We pay for our healthcare via the 500% increases to health premiums since the implementation of Obamacare.

Our military providing the world security allows them the save their money and have state healthcare.

And despite that, they still come to the US when they have serious needs requiring immediate attention. Because state run healthcare is a steaming pile.


Your military doesn't provide any security for me. Germany benefits more than anyone from not pulling its weight with regards to NATO and it's own security.

The NHS might not be perfect but it's better than most.


Germans have a nice setup. 34 paid days off per year minimum. Their military spending is about 5% of the US.

The US is NATO. Even Bernie knows that. The United States military is 75% of NATO.

We choose that though. And it’s why the US gets to dictate its desires to the rest of the world. Fortunately we have a constitution that still provides liberty although the left and demokkkrats tear away at it every chance they get.


You're right about NATO, Seems everyman and his dog wants to sign up for it nowadays as well.


What the? We have healthcare in Canaada because its what our government wants. They could take it away at the flip of a coin too. It has nothing to do with the U.S or the U.S military supposedly funding Canada (it doesn't). The U.S has never fired a single shot on our behalf. You spent more money defending South Korea than anything to do with Canada.


This is funny. You actually take anything Hair Furor says at face value?

Your Furor claiming Trudeau acted "meek and mild" at the summit is actually good reason to believe he didn't.


Nobody, but, nobody does the wet work like the old man.



Nobody, but, nobody does the wet work like the old man.

Damn right! There's a video from a Russian hotel room to prove that!


...even better, the video from the Javits center 8 November 2016. All those soon to be DoMeToo chicks in tears.


I say we take back all the mini-van production and teach those capitol burners a lesson.


At least PM Trudeau actually has more experience in politics that Trump wish he ever had and knew when to behave like a professional from his position.
