MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > ANYONE KNOW GIULIANI'S PORN HABITS???


The lawyer for Stormy Daniels made a public appeal for information about the pornography use by Donald Trump defense attorney Rudy Giuliani during an appearance on MSNBC’s AM Joy on Saturday.

Attorney Michael Avenatti was responding to the former New York City mayor’s contention that Daniels lacks credibility because of her profession.

“You know, when Donald Trump was trying to get in the pants of my client, he didn’t tell my client that he disrespected her, or that she wasn’t credible or she wasn’t intelligent,” he noted. “When Mr. Trump was trying to get in the pants of Ms. McDougal, he didn’t tell her that he disrespected her, that she wasn’t intelligent or that she wasn’t entitled to credibility.”

“The hypocrisy here is unbelievable,” he concluded.

Then he made his public appeal.

“I’d like to know the last time Mr. Giuliani viewed pornography,” he explained. “Something tells me it wasn’t years or decades ago.”

“So if there’s anyone in the United States that could help me answer that question, please provide that information to me because I’d like to make it known,” Avenatti proposed.


He put down Daniels for doing porn, but Trump's wife was a nude model before she married Trump.


No, but the pervert was once married to his own cousin.


I saw him live on the show yesterday. I love this guy - he said it with a serious tone, and a serious expression on his face with just a hint if a smile.

Unlike Giuliani, who looks like a laughing horse on TV. So unprofessional and such a dumb ass when he's representing T-rump.

Whether or not Avenatti runs for President in 2020, I think he’s going to be my write in candidate!!!
