MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > More liberal hypocrisy and stupidity

More liberal hypocrisy and stupidity

... I'm not speaking of a specific instance,just another typical day in the life of a bitter liberal. Now why don't you guys applaud some more, while an adult man assaults a child and throws a drink in his face because he disagrees with him.


They also support foreign adversaries like China as they target American workers with retaliatory tariffs. Despicable people.


So, you have a problem with the retaliation but not the actions that spurred the retaliation

That does not appear to be a cogent line of thought.


Stop presenting right wingers with facts! They don’t deal with reality or factual information- just the fantasy which Fox presents them.


It's a textbook Trump lover's hypocrisy in a nutshell. Everyone else is a hypocrite except themselves and the man they worship.

But it's easily recognized and called out, like you just did.


"So, you have a problem with the retaliation but not the actions that spurred the retaliation"

Correct. My allegiance is to the United States. Why do you support the People's Republic of China?


Didn’t you hear? Liberals care more About foreigners than actual Americans. I think it makes them feel high and mighty to be a white knight...Even though they aren’t really making a difference at all, just coming to the Internet to bitch about Trump for about two straight years now


Well i’m Not but since America spawned people like you there’s an argument to become one.


Globalization is not supposed to be a zero-sum game.

If your supreme leader wants to make it one, other countries will act accordingly and protect themselves.

So you only have the orange megalomaniac to blame for all the retaliation




6 more years of bitterness incoming. #TrumpWinning


6 more old topics to bump in your desperation, don't stop now Thrillhouse!


Also 6 more years of liberals mocking Trumps skin color.


Thats the worse part.
