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Cohens new lawyer fires a warning shot to T-rump

Michael “ fixer” Cohens new lawyer Lanny Davis has fired a warning shot to T-rump and his trained monkey Giuliani.

On the Sunday morning shows, Giuliani encouraged Cohen to work with federal prosecutors and tell the truth - because T-rump will then be cleared.

Davis asked if he heard Giuliani right in a following tweet. He questioned which “ truth” he referred to: T-rumps truth or factual truth?

He then told everyone to “ stay tuned”.

Can’t wait!!


China is using tariffs to interfere in the 2018 midterms. Why don't you care about the Chinese government meddling in our elections?


Which Trump could have prevented by not starting a trade war in the first place. Why aren't you outraged?

BTW, the midterms is not a presidential election so your logic fails.


Why Hasn’t T-rump done anything to protect America from future interference by Russia or China??? He’s been in office 18 months and has done nothing even though he’s more than knowledgeable about Russia’s interference. Where’s the Rethuglikkkans outrage? His duty is to protect America from such things. He’s failed us again.


Your concept of election interference is about as flimsy as your grasp of trade principles.
