MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Trump: Putin isn't my enemy, but a compe...

Trump: Putin isn't my enemy, but a competitor

Except you represent the US, not yourself. He treats everything based on only if it affects him. Basically as long as anyone sucks up to him, he'll be friends with them. Mass murderers, dictators, etc. as long as they do nothing to him he'll be your franz. Heck I bet he'd be friends with Hitler if he was around back then.


Did you see that NATO press conference he did this morning?

I don't blame you if you didn't, it was a riot how embarrassing it was. Just the way he alternates between telling outrageous lies and patting himself on the back and paying himself compliments for what he claims in those lies, because of course it's always about him and his fictional world.

He claimed he pushed our NATO allies to agree to meet 4% of GDP in defense spending and praised himself over and over again for the great accomplishment.

Except Macron had to set the record straight afterwards that they agreed to nothing of the sort. They only reconfirmed they were on track to meet 2% of GDP defense spending by 2024, as they previously agreed to do back in 2014.


Lol, why ask such a question when you were in the thread itself talking about it as well? Of course I saw it, bits and pieces of it anyway.

You should count how many times he's said "RUSSIA!!!"


I'd read about it but hadn't seen the actual press conference of him bragging about it afterwards till the morning. It was quite the spectacle.

But yeah, pretty hysterical and pathetic at the same time.


"Putin isn't my enemy, but my puppet master"

There fixed it 😉


You can say the same thing about any modern President. Saddam was our friend when he was fighting Iran. Obama did nothing about Crimea and Syria so I guess he was friends with Assad. And as always, the H card gets pulled. Does that tactic ever get old?


When a man refuses to condemn Neo-Nazis but is all too happy to REPEATEDLY condemn peaceful protests against racial profiling as well as insult the protesters (and their mothers, technically)...

You see where this is going, don't you? This is the PRESIDENT and he constantly acts worse than a high school bully. It seems he's beloved most by other bullies, like say, the North Korean leader.

Should I dig up my long list of eerie fascist statements and actions that Trump has engaged in, even ones that directly compare to things Hitler said and did?


His lack of condemnation first became apparent after the white nationalist rally in South Carolina.


Very fine people!


Oh yeah almost forgot that.


Say what?!?

Crimea had nothing to do with Syria and Assad.

And refusing to go to war in Syria did not mean he was "friends with Assad". What a weird and bizarre thing to claim.

It just meant he didn't want a repeat of the disaster that became of Libya.

Crimea was annexed by Russia by Putin. So was Obama's refusal to go to war with Russia over Crimea mean he was friends with Putin? Fuck no. Your broken logic is weird.


Oh boy another demokkkrat lemming dropping the Hitler card. Stop pissing on the graves of 6 million dead Jews.

The demokkkrat party of no ideas, no solutions. Just obsessive hate. Trump orange, Trump Hitler. Such inspiring leadership from the worthless left.



You must love labeling anyone a party if not the opposite of one if they use a certain word. I'm guessing you're using your Trump card. I couldn't care for either party. I like certain ideals from both sides of the isle to be frank. Heck most of the shit I've subscribed to on Youtube are conservative channels if not slightly alt-rightish.

I wouldn't be surprised if you were spouting hate while Obama was in office. The hypocrisy of both sides is laughable if not face palming with a shake of the head. Too many times I see the right blame liberals for the shit they do where I agreed with them at the start when I saw the videos then I see an aboutface with the right doing the very same retarded crap the right claimed the left of doing or only do.

FYI, I never called Trump Hitler. I said if he met him, he'd be friends with him if he didn't do anything to him. There's a difference.


You are all over the map with your commentary.


I do that sometimes. D:
