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New poll puts Obama on top for best President

In a new poll by the Pew Research Center, 44% of 2,002 adult respondents say President Barack Obama was "the best" or "the second best" President in their lifetime. T-rump came in at a dismal 19%.

According to the PRC, those polled were asked in "an open ended forum" which President 'has done the best job in their lifetime'. PRC then used respondents' first and second choices for the survey's findings.

Barrack Obama came way ahead from the others, landing in first place with 44% as their best or second best President.

Bill Clinton came in second place with 33% as their best or second best President, while Ronald Reagan almost tied Clinton with 32% and putting him in third place.

Scraping the bottom of the swamp was T-rump with an embarrassing 19%.

Older respondents ('Greatest Generation', 'Baby Boomers') tended to favor Ronald Reagan as their best President, while "the younger millennials" (who were not even born during Reagan's presidency) went with Obama.

The Millennials are the key demo to be voting in 2018 and 2020.


You mean he isn't viewed as the greatest President ever after one and a half years in office? That is truly damning.


In T-rump's own mind, he is. He's even greater then Abe Lincoln - and he has the polls to prove it! He has his polls, and the polls taken when Lincoln was President. And he knows how to compare them.

