MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > WTF? Melania was watching CNN on Air Fo...

WTF? Melania was watching CNN on Air Force One? Say it isn't so....

According to leaked emails acquired by the New York Times, in an internal exchange between officials in the White House Military Office and the White House Communications Agency last Thursday, President T-rump was furious that his wife's television aboard Air Force One was tuned into CNN and not FOX News, a violation of a White House rule to appease the President.

"All televisions should be turned to Fox anytime White House staff board the plane", said the email chain. The email also talked about ordering two more televisions, so the President and First Lady can watch television in their separate hotel rooms when travelling.

Apparently, it seems the President wants to prevent Melania from any knowledge about the 'leaked tapes' from September 2016 between himself and Michael Cohen which they discuss paying off his mistress Karen McDougal, who says she had a year long affair with T-rump shortly after Melania gave birth to their son Barron in 2007. CNN has been covering the story intensely, along with MSNBC and other mainstream media. FOX has all but ignored it completely.

A spokesperson for Melania said the First Lady will watch 'any channel she wants'. Wow - talk about a bold move for independence!

Be best, Melania. Be best.


Oh no! Melania's going to be in the hospital for a MONTH after this!


I can only imagine how he 'scolded' her like a child for watching CNN.

"No more TV for you, younger wife than me! You're grounded till the end of summer. You will stay locked in your room until I tell you to come out in September, and hopefully this whole 'Michael Cohen tapes with me paying off my mistresses' will be over. You hear that? Solitary confinement! That will teach you a lesson about switching the channel when I told you not to."


She is loving up to her slogan!


Still cranking out long-winded fake news commentary in the middle of the day? Incredibly sad.


Great! You have your account back. It was fun communicating you with you via your sock account, which now seems to have disappeared.


I was only suspended for a couple of days, and I don't have any sock puppets. Try again loser.


Melania's spokeswoman, Stephanie Grisham released a statement from her, therefore it's not fake news. Too bad Michael Cohen wasn't around to tape Trump raging about Melania's TV viewing habits. That would've been entertaining to hear.


Did you accidentally post with one of your sock puppets, Doggiedummy?


Even Melania understands in order to find the truth she needs to watch CNN. It's obviously not Lugenpresse as Hitler would say.



Obviously Melania's husband Trumputin cares.


That’s what they were saying tonight on one of the news shows. lol


That statement was worse than the email chain! How embarrassing to say a 48 year old woman can watch any cable news channel she chooses.


Could you imagine a spouse trying to limit his wife's TV viewing to one channel? I didn't think the reason may have been to keep her uninformed about his affairs. I can't wait to hear the other tapes.


There are about 100 tapes which have been released to prosecutors. I’m sure Cohen will continue to release them as well.


And they're viewing his tax returns, too! It only gets better.


lulz. 12 days suspended and your sock puppets Quint and Lord Dake were unmistakable.


That’s what I said.


And you were right. :)


Looks like there's a few others who may be suspended, or gone...UltimateHippo has been missing (though posting under another sock account, if you read some of the 'new members' postings).


You're actually proud of having been suspended and are doing nothing to change the behavior?

See? Punishment does not work towards rehabilitation.





I was only suspended for a couple of days

The great enforcer of rules who abuses the report button... Got Suspended?

LOL! Yes you are actually a hypocrite, because it's obvious the rules don't matter to you. Only retaliation.


He was probably spending more time at his $96K job.


Wait a second, 3-10years old was suspended?? What does a suspended internet sherrif do? Is there desk work they are forced to do until they can return to active duty?

I thought it seemed a little quiet/more civil around here lately.




well aint the life of a trophy wife grand


Someone reported that she may even have her own remote control for the TV, now that her spokesperson said she watches the programs she chooses to watch.


Sums it all up.


Another attempt for T-rump to embarrass and humiliate his wife - to show the world he has total control over everything she does, including what cable news channels she is allowed to watch these days.


I hope Melania has learned her lesson...

Because if she hasn't, next Donnie will take away her phone. And then her shoes! That'll teach her!


Lol! Then he will go for the biggie: he will revoke her Einstein citizenship. She’ll become another “ illegal”.


That's one way Donnie can get her away from Barron and have full custody.
