MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Avenatti was 100% correct

Avenatti was 100% correct

In early July when Cohen made his “ family first” confessional, Avenatti said Cohen had plenty of recorded tapes between himself and T-rump discussing payoffs, Russian conspiracy and other criminal behavior.

Was he right! Lanny Davis hinted at this last night. lol


I'm putting the over/under number at "3" right now for the number of times a day Trump has to change his underwear.


The Republicans are in hell right now. If they do nothing they become complicit in what’s easily the most corrupt presidency in our lifetime and if they speak out and take action against Trump they will lose his hardcore supporters of which there are many. There’s no good option for them....just a clearly right and clearly wrong one.


The only chance any of them--the currently serving Reptards, that is--have at reclaiming any shred of dignity and worthiness is to break from Trump and everything he represents RIGHT NOW and begin to act like what they're supposed to be--elected officials sworn to protect the COUNTRY and the CONSTITUTION, rather than bend-over apologists and co-conspirators who continue to prop-up the criminal President because he represents the current state of the fascist-leaning Republican Party.

If any of them don't and wait to jump on the bandwagon after the blue wave washes clean in November, they'll all be looked at as the political opportunists they are, in thrall to a party of greed, crime, and disrespect. Their futures, and whatever disputable legacies they might have in history, are up to them.


I have a feeling more of them will be announcing 'resignations' and 'retirements' by the end of the year.


I guess the question is, will Mike Pence pardon Trump? I’m wondering, if Ford hadn’t pardoned Nixon, would future presidents think twice about doing crime and not act so entitled.


At this point are we even sure Mike Pence is clean? Mueller is playing everything so close to the vest we really have no idea what may come next.


I don't know. Pence is VERY Old Testament. And that's is a very "punish the guilty" mentality.


Yeah a lot of the Republicans seem to be "Old Testament" until they worry it might cost them votes. Then all of a sudden the party of family values are unapologetically making excuses for a guy that paid hush money to a porn star to cover up an affair he had while his wife was at home with his newborn son.


They also like to "forgive" sinners a lot, too. Especially if they're ones who can advance their prehistoric evangelistic agendas... Right-wing Supreme Court Justice appointments? You're forgiven, Brother Trump! Praise God!


What's up Sandoz? How was your vaca?

I assume you've been gone on vacation at least.


Heya, I wish it had been something as benign as a vacation for my absence... Actually, I got called on the carpet at work for using the internet for "unauthorized website surfing" which, I guess, was this site among others. They installed big-brother software that tracks our usage, so I can't be online here that much anymore. I missed you guyz, and after all the wonderful stuff that went down yesterday I just had to risk it and come here to gloat about "the chickens coming home to roost" finally catching up with Trumpie!


Damn! Big Brother software ... sounds so Orwellian. 😵 I'm sorry to hear that.

Well, definitely don't get called to the carpet again, but yeah definitely glad to see you back even if only sporadically.


Ford was frowned upon for doing that in 1976 - and many say that cost him the election in November 1976. However, in retrospect, historians now say that was the right thing for him to do back then, to put the past behind us and allow America to 'move forward'. (This was highly cited when Ford died a few years ago).

I'm still on the fence - I think he should have let the chips fall where they did back then and sentence Nixon to jail. I think you're right - future Presidents would probably not depend on a pardon.
