MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Is it just me or is Donald looking rathe...

Is it just me or is Donald looking rather unhealthy lately?

I'm not referring to his usual blubber and lard-looking self. I mean it seems to me that he's gaining weight lately. Also, I've been noticing much more red in his face and some pictures show him rather sweaty and lethargic-looking.

I mean--it only makes sense. How could ANYONE rage and whine as much as Trump does at age 72 without it taking a toll? People who work around him all say he spends every day yelling and raging.

Ol' Fat Donnie might be working himself toward a heart attack or a stroke at this rate....GOOD.


You don't like someone someone so you hope they die? Oh yes, the Democratic party is full of love. Do you not realize how sad and pathetic are, or are you just ok with it?


First of all, I never stated that I hoped he would die--merely stating that I really wouldn't care if he did and I wouldn't care. Secondly, I'm not a democrat, you blithering idiot. I must have said this hundreds of times to hundreds of dim-witted Trumpers these past two years. You guys all literally come off the same assembly line with the same programming: "You dems! But what about Hillary and Obama?" and other garbage.

And why would I not care if Trump died? Because the man holds our lives in his hands, is twisted, crazy and nasty, and has the power to destroy our country.

Donald Trump is the very first president that ever instilled fear in me. For the first time in my life I fear our leader and what he could do to our country. So, you're damn right I don't care one iota if he dies. Yes, I would even be satisfied. And I don't feel bad for saying or thinking it either because Trump isn't just some random person--he's our leader and he could sink us with his insanity.

So yes--I would be satisfied if I woke up one morning and heard of his death. I've NEVER said that about anyone in my entire life except for murderers, rapists and dictators. And I'm not sorry for it.


LULZ. I have to laugh whenever Burk posts anything here since his sole MO is always to try and point out liberal hypocrisy and it always just ends up highlighting his own.

Incidentally, in the past I've seen him get irritated over assumptions he's a conservative when he insists that Trump is the first Republican he's ever voted for, yet here he is assuming you're a Democrat. He just reeks of shameless hypocrisy.

With regards to Trump, yeah he's definitely put on some weight since he took office and he does look unhealthy. Ten diet cokes a day can't be good for his health. At the same time, I don't expect he'll be suffering cardiac arrest anytime soon. He's been blessed with longevity in his genetics. His dad lived till 95 and his mom till 88. He's likely got another 20 years ahead.


Yeah, I think I've seen Burk before but I can't be sure since most of the Trumpers on this board act as if they all share the same brain and just pass it around. My search for an intelligent Trumper on this board continues...and I'll probably never find one.

Damn, that's just irritating. The man is an endless turd of misery and egomania, outliving much better people all around him and is blessed with genetics that give him the ability to rage and pig out to his heart's content with no consequences.

Just amazing that a man who was born rich and literally handed a business he had no hand in making could be as miserable as he is. The man isn't even interested in the world. He could travel anywhere and instill all sorts of culture in himself and isn't interested in doing any of it.

Such a miserable slop pile of a human being...


"Might be working himself towards a heart attack.... Good". The word "good" clearly implies desire not indifference, so why lie about it? Also, maybe you aren't a dem, then your at least a liberal. I've seen your posts, and if it walks like a duck ... My sad and pathetic statement holds true,sorry.


Again, I never stated, implied or meant that I HOPE he dies, but if you want to spin it that way you can if it makes you feel better. I just sat in here and admitted that it would be satisfying to learn he died someday. That doesn't equate to "I hope he dies". I had no problem admitting his death would be of no consequence to me so I wouldn't exactly have any reason to lie about anything else.

Uh, I'm not a liberal. All the liberals I p!ssed off on IMDB could attest to that one little tidbit. Liberals don't like me any more than Trumpers do. I'm an equal opportunity hater of idiots and, boy oh boy, do they exist in both parties. :)

You've seen my posts and they "walk like a liberal duck"? Well, whatever floats your boat. The way you simplify everything down to "this party and that party" is rather tiresome, to say the least. There's literally no substance to you as a person if that's how you view every argument. You must be a rather simplistic person if everything falls into "right or left" categories for you. How dull you must be in real life...


AS I've said before:

I don't want to kill him.
I don't want to see him die.
I just want to be invited to the parties that will erupt if he does.


You can see the anxiety and the worry in his face. God only knows how much meds he's taking these days. And he had the nerve to say Hillary looked 'unhealthy' and at 'death's door' when she was campaigning. Imagine?


LOL! Just like Trump, the Trumpanzees can dish it but not take it.


He's been unhealthy since the Primaries. Did you watch any of his speeches, pure gibberish. The press cleaned them up in post coverage but if you watch the raw footage the man clearly is in the early stages of dementia.


Apparently he sleeps like 4 hours at night & he forces himself brutally to get up each time.

He’s been doing this since the early 80’s...


That's called old age. Old guys can't go more than 4 hours without pissing. That's why Michael Jackson had a catheter every time he went to sleep, to get 8 hours uninterrupted.

I do know about insomnia and what it does to a person. It could be lack of sleep: inability to concentrate, memory loss, inability to form new memories, lethargy.


No Trump thinks sleeping is a waste of time...Not enough sleep does catches up to you in the long run..

He’s out of shape & his face his bloated...


Yeah, his face is not only bloated but red and his eyes look rather bloodshot in some pictures. Those are telltale signs of lack of sleep and hypertension.


I hope he croaks for what he did to Stormy...Such a sweet girl!


Or it could just be compounded from the massive pressure he feels from being investigated making him crack and become unglued. The pressures of the presidency are extraordinary for any one man, let alone a guy with a million skeletons in his closet he's trying hide while under the suffocating spotlight of the most high profile job in the world.


Add to that the fact that the guy rages 24 hours a day. That WILL wear you out. No wonder the fool drinks all that soda each day.

You know, I once drank 10 sodas a day when I was in my 20's...ended up getting a kidney stone from it so I stopped that. How a guy his age is able to down all those sodas and not wind up with diabetes and stones is beyond me.


LMAO! No DOUBT! It really is insane how unhealthy he is and a mystery how he gets by. It's also why when he was given a clean bill of health by the WH physician it was a minor scandal and the WH press corps was in an uproar. No one could believe it.

His only form of exercise is golf, he doesn't believe in exercise outside of that because he thinks it's harmful (he says all his friends are getting hip or knee replacement surgeries from exercising too much) so he's gotta have some pretty amazing genetics.


Simply unfair, if you ask me. He's done NOTHING to earn such longevity of life.


That's what top shelf medical care will do for you, keep you alive no matter how much you abuse yourself.


Yeah that and the wealth of having your own personal cook and dietitian who can cook fabulous food for you that tastes great while keeping the caloric content under control. I've read he pigs out on fast food anyway which is why he's so fat, but it's gotta be nice to have paid servants tracking what you eat 24/7 to worry about that so you CAN abuse your body with fast food at 70.


I have sleep apnea and, before I started wearing a nighttime appliance, I used to struggle with lack of sleep as well. I'm in my 30's and it was a SLOG to get out of bed before I had treatment for the sleep apnea and I STILL got more sleep than Trump. I'm LESS than half this guy's age and it was brutal to get out of bed every morning with so little sleep. How this guy's heart isn't giving out is beyond me.


No, I actually didn't watch many of his speeches. I find the man repulsive and I actually sit there in wonder that millions of people support such a blubbering, stuttering, incoherent man. He looks like he's on the brink of just keeling over whenever he speaks.


He just rambles, sentences that trail off without conclusion, randomly shifting subjects, getting people and places confused, randomly going on tirades that don't make sense about stuff that didn't happen, blank look in his eyes. He behaves exactly like people with dementia. But the weird part is that crowds cheer him and you never see it in the news. They clean up the speeches, seed the crowd with people who will start the clapping, and people buy it. He bashes vets and families of vets and military people cheer him on. The American Legion gave him some kind of religion award. Military guys on facebook posting memes of Trump mocking a dead McCain. It's like the world has gone mad.


He's also lost most of his hair, oh wait that was 20 years ago. Nevermind :)


LOL! Oh, come on now! He has PLENTY of hair!....on the sides and back of his head...that he combs over the top of his head and glues it together every morning.

I heard his daily hair regimen takes almost an hour. Makes sense. He has to comb all that hair over from the backs and sides and give that "hair cement" enough time to dry. XD XD XD


Well he did have hair transplants. This was revealed in a sworn deposition in 1990 by his first wife in divorce proceedings where she alleges he raped her after he was unhappy of the results of the transplant after using her cosmetic surgeon on her recommendation. She alleges the morning after the surgery he yanked out a fistful of her hair in revenge for his scalp being in so much pain before raping her and asking her afterward if it hurt.

What a sadist.



I can believe it. EVERY SINGLE PERSON who's worked for him have all stated the guy rages throughout the White House all day, is always paranoid and always complaining how other people/agencies say bad things about him. He simply can't abide any criticism. NONE.


mcDONALDs Trump

there's your answer


Donald McDonald.


Either the stress or a heart attack from McDs will kill him before 2024
