MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > LMAO!!! Wow...Fat Boy is losing his mind...

LMAO!!! Wow...Fat Boy is losing his mind...

President Donald Trump has complained that special counsel Robert Mueller is too close to former FBI Director James Comey to conduct a fair investigation. And now, he claims he has the pics to prove it.

″[Mueller’s] Comey’s best friend,” Trump told the Daily Caller. “And I could give you 100 pictures of him and Comey hugging and kissing each other.”

Vox examined wire service photos and found no such images. A non-exhaustive HuffPost survey of images from Reuters and Getty also revealed no hugging and kissing.

The pair has enjoyed a close professional relationship, which dates back to 2003 when Comey was deputy attorney general under President George W. Bush and Mueller was the director of the FBI.

Both threatened to resign in opposition to a domestic surveillance program which was modified as a result, the Washington Post reported.

While there do not appear to be “hugging and kissing” photos of the president and his former FBI chief, Trump did make a gesture toward Comey shortly after his inauguration that many observers believed was an air kiss.

Comey claimed that Trump tried to pull him in for a hug as well, but he resisted and kept it to a handshake.

“He was not going to get a hug without being a whole lot stronger than he looked,” Comey wrote in his book, A Higher Loyalty. “He wasn’t.”

Months later, Trump would fire Comey, a move that ultimately led to the special counsel’s investigation.

In the Daily Caller interview, Trump again called the Mueller probe an “illegal investigation” and claimed that the special counsel’s office had “tremendous conflicts.” Trump also said he had a “real business dispute” with Mueller, an apparent reference to 2011, when Mueller resigned from a Trump-owned golf club.

According to the Washington Post: “Mueller had sent a letter requesting a dues refund in accordance with normal club practice and never heard back.”

In July, Trump called it “a very nasty & contentious business relationship.”

Wow...Fat Man Trump is really coming off the rails now, isn't he? This will become yet another in a laundry list of Trump's accusations that he will provide zero proof for.


This is all Trump-Speak and it is how he communicates in a way to denigrate his targets. Trump-Speak is the language of the gutter and the simple minded. A friendship becomes "Homo-Sexual" and sad. Trump speaks in the language of the tabloid "Enquirer". It got your attention didn't it?

His hyperbolic statement as an accusation gives new meaning to his relationship with his own children. It's even creepier given the way he thinks and talks. Trump's not off the rails he's always been childishly petty, crude and lacked any type of moral compass. He fancies himself smart and cunning because he's never been accountable for anything even when he's been caught.


I bet you Mueller has 100 pictures of T-rump in a "Golden Shower".


I just have to ask this question and, as a huge hater of Trump, I feel like it might be sacrilegious for me to not know the answer to this, but...what does "T-Rump" mean? I've seen this variation on Yahoo comments as "tRump" and other sites but never knew what it meant exactly.


He has a humongous arse, so hence the Rump part.




LOL! Wow, the simplest answer was right in front of me and here I am, trying to find a deeper meaning. XD

I love it. :D




"what does "T-Rump" mean?"
just like it sounds - its just an infantile nickname.
Its well known anybody conducting a discussion about politics will have to mangle the name of their target into some sort of insult. Its not just here , and not just trump , and not just the right - seriously , you see it on all internet forums in all politics discussions


He's is, and always has been, whack in the head.
