MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Watching Kavanaugh reacting like that ma...

Watching Kavanaugh reacting like that made me realize...

...He's a lot like Trump in his mannerism: paranoia, anger, erratic behavior, clear anti-democrat agenda...

In fact--several of Trump's people seem to act this way when the ax is looming. It truly says a lot about the people representing us.

I almost don't care if Kavanaugh is guilty or not--his behavior is worrisome and indicative of someone who won't be an impartial SCOTUS. He's acting like "One of Trump's boys" and that's a bad sign.

I don't care what party runs our nation but I DO care if we have a bunch of bullies and thugs running us.


Is this the first time you ever lost an election? Bush and Obama killed millions of people and destroyed trillions of dollars. Kavanaugh made an obscene comment/gesture once when he was underage. Outlaw sex, outlaw alcohol, outlaw speech, or maybe all three.


Why do you support a president who has expanded the war in Syria and has entrenched the US in permanent and unending Syrian military conflict?

Why do you support such a war monger?


Why would you want that petulant behavior in a man who's going to take a seat on the Supreme Court? Don't you think our country deserves better?

I guess not - you accept that behavior in a man who sits in the Oval Office.


Kavanaugh has shown he doesn't have good temperament. It's hard to believe he can be bipartisan. Yesterday was a bad day for our country. There's more division among our leaders in government than I've ever seen.


true more people are making excuses for bad behavior Trump acts like it is Tammany Hall again the name given to the Democratic political machine that dominated New York City politics from the mayoral victory of Fernando Wood in 1854 through the election of Fiorello LaGuardia in 1934.
