MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Trump is the embodiment of every America...

Trump is the embodiment of every American cliche other countries have about us

So many countries in this world have this certain view of how we Americans are and, I must say, Trump embodies all of do his supporters.

Here's a list of some of those cliches and stereotypes other countries have about us and how Trump embodies each of them:





-Thinks he owns the world

-Thinks his country is the greatest and anyone else is lesser

-Goes to other countries, disrespecting their customs and people but then expects other countries who come to America to respect our customs





-Ignorant to the ways of the world

-Only eats burgers and American food when travelling abroad

-Thinks he can police the whole world

-Has no respect, regard or compassion for other cultures


-Always ready to start a war

These are some of the cliches and stereotypes that other countries have regarding us Americans and I must say...Trump and his base sure live up to them.

I've seen people point this out on other forums before and the Trumpers not only don't deny it but even seem PROUD of this fact. How embarrassing...



Thanks! I'm going to edit my list to add that! How could I forget one of the primary Trump traits?



Yeah, and what's with his shirt collars? They all hug his fat, blubbery neck to the point where his neck fat hangs over the collar and threatens to burst his collar open, sending the button flying across the room. Orange, old, ugly, sweaty, smelly, fat HOG needs a tailor...and Slim Fast.


The ugly American.


Fat Donald is FUGLY, to be honest.

They say that, as a person ages, they will slowly begin to physically resemble what they truly are on the inside. So, in Trump's case, he's getting uglier and uglier because he's ugly on the inside.


Yes it’s a shame hate and ignorance has taken such a strong hold on a minority of the worlds population. Clearly a result of the corrupt left and their media/education industries.

Fortunately the most succcesful and powerful country in the world continues to help more achieve success than any other country in the history of the world. And all despite the lefts ignorance, stupidity, and obsessive hatred of individual liberty. Reality and truth still prevail.


...That's nice. When you're finished huffing markers and eating paint chips, come off the high, get help and medication, please come back here and resubmit a post that actually means something.

Thank you.


More trolling, nice job dteam. Is the D for "douchebag"? I think from here on out, I shall refer to you as doucheteam. It has a nice ring to it, and succinctly describes your entire movement.


LMAO!!! You're not even the first one to call me "doucheteam". Now that's funny. XD

Some other ones I've been called are: dickteam6, dickseed6 and dteam666.

I've heard 'em all, Sally. Come up with something original for a change. ;)


Lol, why would I follow every comment made about a troll like you? At least you're proud of how pathetic people see you. Way to wallow in your ignorance buckaroo,good for you!


You wish. :)

Only a small handful of butthurt trolls (Mainly Batman vs Superman zealots) have ever called me such things. You're among a vocal minority of pathetic posters who hate me and you ALL have the EXACT.SAME.PERSONALITY.

You guys must come off an assembly line or something. XD


Oh yes, you crybaby libs are SO distinguished from each other,lol. Good one. Later troll, shout upstairs to your mom and tell her I said hi.


Again, I'm not a lib...for the 5,000th time. Eh, who am I kidding? You're a small-minded troll. A discount troll, really. :)


Yeah you are, actions speak louder than words. If you walk like a lib,and quack like a lib...


What is it about me that comes off as liberal? Other than my hatred of Trump I can't think of one thing I've said in here that makes me sound like a liberal. Explain. You call me a lib enough. You claim I walk and quack like a lib.

You tell me in detail what makes me sound like a lib. I'm curious. :)


Next Burk will be telling you he's no conservative because Trump is the first republican he's ever voted for.

Yet he talks like a con, walks like a con, and quacks like a con. So using his own logic against him, that makes him a lifelong con and full of shit about never voting Republican until Trump.

He's such a sad projectionist.


I think I remember reading not too long ago that dteam6 is for stronger gun control...that sounds like lib talk to me.


Thank you Dteam6. Couldn't have said it better myself. Why do the Trumpistas still like him? He's a clown and they are just having a good laugh? That would be okay if he was in the circus and not the White House!


I think the Trumpers went insane long ago. They are SO full of hatred for "the left" that they will do ANYTHING to "stick it to the left"--even if it means electing a madman.

Trump is literally the embodiment of every corporate scum that's kept the working man down.

Trump, his family and his thugs are all getting rich off these morons who vote for them.

I've actually seen Trumpers DEFENDING those permanent tax cuts for the rich. I've seen Trumpers defend Trump backing off his promise of Mexico paying the wall and regular US citizens footing the bill. I've witnessed Trumpers defend Trump's golfing while demonizing Obama for his.

These fools will literally defend anything the fat, robust cheeto does.


i am pretty well travelled and i think americans are the least racist and xenophobic


You don't sound that well-traveled, then.


are you black


No, he's just fool that hasn't gone anywhere outside of his parents basement,lol.


This is very true, Americans generally act very politely when abroad. Dateline
or another similar show did a piece on this year's ago in Europe talking to waiters. They said almost unanimously that Americans were much more polite than their own countrymen.


how can a country built by immigrants be xenophobic? common sense.


How can a person with so much hate in their mind/heart not see that they are a bigot. The REAL DEAL.


Are you calling me a bigot? What am I a bigot against? Republicans? Nope--I know numerous people who are republicans. Trumpers? Nope--I have a handful of friends who are Trumpers.

I hate stupid people. I hate bigots. I hate xenophobic people. I hate the Trumpers who act like extremists.

If you want to call me "bigoted" for not liking those kinds of people then I guess I'm "bigoted".


Ah yes, so much hypocrisy from the left. It's ok to attack the presidents personal appearance, but if someone said something about a lefties weight, or a provocatively dressed girl, or a man choosing to dress as a woman, or someone comment on a person's skin color... suddenly the right would be fat shaming,slut shaming, transphobic,and racist. I actually think the OP is just a troll based on the rediculous stuff that spills out, but so many of you moronic snowflakes just lap it up and fail to see your own hypocrisy.


It's so true. We had gained so much respect from 2009 to 2016, just to lose it all in 2017. I don't think Hillary would've kept up to Obama's standards either, but everything Trump does appears as if he's trolling us and the entire world. And every time he does it, his supporters just meme along with him with their "haha, you lost" routine. That is what it means to them to "make America great again." And when you present any facts that reveal he's an idiot, they just whip out the "fake news" memes as they've been programmed to.


Yeah, they're trying to turn our country into some isolated bumpkin nation.

I've actually seen Trumpers online--MANY of them--say: "We should isolate ourselves from other countries. We'd do just fine."

Now THAT's delusional--they actually think we could just become another North Korea. Scary just to contemplate.


the world needs a functioning usa
