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Melania says women need to show evidence of sexual assault - a slap in the face to Kellyanne Conway?

In an ABC NEWS interview this morning, Melania T-rump spoke out about sexual assault against women, in light of the Kavanaugh accusations. What she said sounded like a huge slap in the face against senior adviser Kellyanne Conway, who last week said she herself was a victim of sexual assault, but provided no evidence to interviewer Jake Tapper.

"I do stand with women, but we need to show the evidence. You cannot just say to somebody, 'I was sexually assaulted,' or, 'You did that to me,' because sometimes the media goes too far, and the way they portray some stories it's, it's not correct, it's not right," said the First Lady.

You hear that Kellyanne Conway? She said you can't just say to somebody (like interviewer Tapper) "I was sexually assaulted" without any evidence to back that up and make us believe you. Melania thinks women like you are LYING.

And what happens when a man comes forward and brags about sexually assaulting innocent women by "grabbing them by their pussies" ? Well, Melania - what do you say about those men?

Oh that's right - you answered before. You said "Boys will be boys".


The problem with sexual assault is that there sometimes ISN'T any evidence. I hate that #metoo movement as they make all women who come forward with sexual assault accusations look bad/look like frauds. It's become too saturated in our society.

The truth of the matter is that some women who make claims like this are liars and some are being truthful. It's VERY difficult to distinguish between those two anymore now that #metoo exists.

But for Melania, a woman, to say what she's not surprising. She's a fraud all her own. She knows where her bread is buttered and is apparently planning on selling her soul to Trump until he croaks so she can collect her share.

In my view, Melania is no better than Donald Trump in many ways because she knows better than we do what kind of man she is and chooses to throw her lot in with him for financial gain. That's the epitome of selfishness right there.

Maybe she's a better person than Trump but she lacks a soul (just as he does) but for different reasons.

Ford could have been telling the truth or she could have been lying...but because of this #metoo era, the credibility of any accuser is always going to be questionable. What a shame because it's possible these allegations against Kavenaugh could have been true. I believe they were, based on his demeanor. This is not a good person. He showed his true colors at that hearing and I could easily envision those stories as having happened. He's no choir boy. He's a little rat just like Trump


And for heaven's sake, I wish her publicists would stop saying she's "fluent" in English. Sorry - she's not. Just listen to her ABC interview which aired this morning, and listen to her Anderson Cooper interview from two years ago - the woman is clearly not fluent in English, just like millions of other immigrants whom the President has chastised.


Yeah, my wife's English is far better than Melania's despite not being 100% fluent.

Hell, TRUMP himself isn't even fluent in English, the illiterate dumba$$.


Time does not heal all wounds and Melania Trump may not be as much of a con artist as her hubby but she trafficks in dirt just enough to remain tainted by association.

She isn't illiterate but she isn't well spoken and she is NOT fluent in English.


I agree - but what Melania said was totally against the movement, and against Kellyanne Conway's story. Imagine how Conway must feel this morning? Knowing she's caught up in the arena of "doubtful at best" since she won't elaborate or provide evidence of her claim?


Like I said--she knows where her bread is buttered and, when things got heated enough, she sold her soul and defended some Trump's more heinous actions.

She sold her soul for money. She's a victim of abuse by Trump herself in an emotional sense but, because of those $$$ signs, she's willing to throw other potential victims under the bus to keep her moneypot happy.

She's an awful human being just like her husband.


I agree. The more I learn about her - through verbal and visuals - the more I dislike her. Starting with the message "I really don't care - do you?" when visiting those children in Texas. And now the white helmet in Africa?


Yes, exactly. She has no principles and, while she may possess morality, she's put it in a box and sealed it in favor of her own selfish desires.


"I hate that #metoo movement as they make all women who come forward with sexual assault accusations look bad/look like frauds. It's become too saturated in our society.

The truth of the matter is that some women who make claims like this are liars and some are being truthful. It's VERY difficult to distinguish between those two anymore now that #metoo exists."

You know what? Your attitude damn well P!SSES ME OFF. It's "become" too saturated in our society because it has and still is happening too damned often. It shouldn't happen at all. If it does, it should be in the extreme minority of crimes.

The fact is you haven't a clue what it's like to be a woman and subject to crimes such as this. That's clear, or you'd never say what you did.

I was in a similar situation as Ford was, except there were 6-8 more guys involved, only 2 of whom I could identify, I was slightly younger, the door wasn't locked to my knowledge, I couldn't tell you a single other person who was at that party if my life depended on it, and I didn't fear for my life. I wasn't raped, but I was assaulted. I did not participate in #metoo, although I certainly could have done.

Years after that I *was* nearly raped, and it scared the hell out of me. You have NO IDEA what that's like, and apparently no compassion for it either.

Until this Kavanaugh thing, I'd never spoken about it to anyone. Until now, I've never said anything about the second incident. I am FAR from the only one.

Have there been women who've said #metoo when nothing happened to them and they only wanted attention? No doubt. but it would be a small percentage, because look what happens to them when they speak out. Who the HELL, aside from someone with some serious mental issues, needs or wants *that*?

(continued, character limit)


Sure, you can write me off as some anonymous person on a message board, with questionable credibility, and yet that takes nothing away from the fact that these things happened to me, and to many other women, many if most of whom never participated in #metoo either.

Until now, I've never told anyone about the second incident, not even my closest friends. Never told anyone about the first either, until I told a MovieChat friend about it privately, and then publicly. All related to Kavanaugh.

I too believe Kavanaugh is guilty of these actions, and like you, it's based on his demeanor. Who prevaricates the way he did, consistently, and doesn't have something to hide? Let alone a federal judge, who certainly should know better how to conduct himself. But I don't say that out of partisanship, and it seems to me that you do. That's what I take issue with. This isn't, or shouldn't be, about partisanship.

Imagine yourself as a straight male, which it seems obvious to me you are, and being sexually assaulted by one or several boys or men. Seriously, IMAGINE that! If you have the humanity in you to do that, you may start to understand what this is like, and if you can begin to understand that this is a common experience, but that many are too ashamed to speak out about it, even with #metoo, maybe you can begin to understand.


Thank you for all that waffle. Now, allow me to retort. Shut your mouth. Yes, I'm telling you to shut your mouth.

Your posturing is tiresome, to say the least.

You have no idea about who I am, what I've seen, what I've been through and who I know who's been through it.

And don't sit there, presuming you speak for all women because you don't.

I don't speak of matters like this lightly and you know what? I won't engage any further in this with you because you've made it clear just what you're after, what you're doing and what this argument will devolve into. I'm ending it here because you sound toxic.


You know, up until now, I had respect for you, having read many of your posts, and agreed with at least most of them.

I've never before see you bring up a straw man like this, and had respected you for it. Nowhere did I say I was speaking for all women, or that I knew what you'd seen, etc.

My former respect for you is gone, now that you've shown this side of you, which I never expected to see.


You go on a sexist tirade against me and think for two seconds that I care that you lost some former respect you had for me?

You speak to me in an unbelievably disrespectful way about a subject that is touchy for me and some people very close to me, making me feel as if I'm insensitive trash.

Why don't you stop for a minute and understand why I got p!ssed off at you for your reply.

Had you just stated your case then that would have been fine--but no--you throw some sexist garbage at me that I must be some insensitive white male can't know your pain and blah blah blah, yadda yadda yadda.

You throw that in my face and think that I care one iota about your loss of respect for me? You can KEEP it for yourself, thank you very much.

There are other matters to this equation and you give me sh!t for bashing #metoo and seem to overlook the fact I very well acknowledged that there are real victims out there being overshadowed by others.

And I DO hate that #metoo movement and the venom it's caused for real victims. My WIFE hates that #metoo movement. Several other women I know hate it.

And you have NO idea what I've personally witnessed or what women I know have witnessed and for you to just sling that sexist garbage at me...

Take your respect and respectfully shove it, Catbookss.


I note you didn't address the two straw men you threw at me. Because you can't.

Please feel free to point out where I threw out a sexist tirade or garbage at you. Thanks.

The reality is, it's difficult for anyone to truly understand what it's like to walk in another's shoes, unless they've walked in them. You're not even trying to empathise. If you were, you'd at least acknowledge what I, personally, went through, after posting about it. You've proven yourself in your very reply to be insensitive. But apparently like Trump, you haven't the ability to empathise, else you would have. But if it's expedient for you to point out Trump's sexism and lack of empathy for others, I don't see you rushing to defend that. (BTW, I think Trump is a horrible human being, so at least we're on the same page there.)

What, exactly, did I say that was disrespectful to you, let alone "unbelievably" so? I haven't told you to "shut your mouth," or anything remotely as disrespectful as that.

I said several times that undoubtedly there were or are some women who jumped on the MeToo bandwagon.

I keep seeing this "real victims" thing posted over and over again. I saw it with the Cosby case, the Weinstein case, Kavanaugh, and now you're saying it again too.

I think I owe TJLamb0518 an apology, and that I mistook him for you. I believe it's he, not you, whom I've respected, along with eYeDEF, and Markdown, not you. No wonder I was so surprised by your post, and your responses. He would never tell me, or anyone else, to take their respect and shove it, because they're too decent and fair-minded to do that.


I will say it again--take your respect and shove it. You're nothing special and you keep saying to me as if you're someone important and relevant enough for me to take notice and care.

And yeah--you should apologize to TJ. He's a good guy and a whole lot better than you and your sexist crap.

I'm putting you on ignore. First person on Moviechat I've ever one that for.

Good riddance.


Enjoy your echo chamber. God knows you wouldn't want anyone to infringe upon your narrow-minded thoughts and have to engage in a civil exchange of ideas.


Dont forget he is a wonderful democrat too.


I know your type, you're the type who ruin men's life by making false accusations with out hard fact just recently somewhere in New York a white women accused a 9 year old black boy of groping her when surveillance cameras showed it was just the boy's backpack that brushed up against her, so she traumatized an innocent boy for no reason, so instead of blaming all men for your current state... blame attention seeking broads like this who make all women look like untrustworthy, back stabbing snakes.
LOL! this #metoo movement is going to be the down fall of women everywhere, how ironic that a movement designed to empower women may very well destroy them.


#MeToo actually reads... Pound Me Too.


You haven't the first idea of what "my type" is. Don't pretend that you do. However your post is very revealing about what "type" you are.



You can tell there was a terse late-night call that Melania had to take from that mess she married for money.


For sure.

Have you ever found it strange how a lot of Melania's public snubs of Trump (refusing to hold his hand, for example) have suddenly stopped lately? Now she's been spotted holding his hand and she goes on the news, sticking her neck out for him when she was a HELL of a lot more quiet and reserved a year ago.

I'm sure Trump gave her one of those "tow the line" conversations more than once.


Or reminded her who pays her salary.


And, in the same way Trumpers have sold their souls to their party, Melania has sold her soul to the orange devil: Donald Trump for money.


On the plus side: At least she's aware he's screwing her.

On the minus side: It lasts four pumps, not four years.

.....that may be a positive as well. I mean, he's kind of a CHUD.


Ha! Ha! Now now, TJ, that's not nice...CHUD's deserve better than that.


He's what the CHUDS call a CHUD.


I actually had to look CUD up and now I wish I hadn't...ugh! UGH!

.......Very true, though.


Ewwww - now you had me googling both CHUD and CUD.


Yeah, we're better off having never known what they meant...especially CUD...


Sorry I fixed it.

I guess my "H" made like the stock market and dropped.





You know, funny thing is--CUD isn't a bad analogy for Trump. XD


If you wish to legally punish someone for committing a crime, YES evidence is NEEEEEEDED.


Former Federal Prosecutor Sunny Hostin had this to say on television this morning, which should clear up many misconceptions on admissible evidence in sexual assault charges:

"We finally said a woman's word is enough. I've taken many cases to trial with just a woman's word. And now you have the First Lady of the United States telling women everywhere your word is not enough. I think it does so much damage, and quite frankly, that isn't the law...

Testimony is evidence! You don't need corroborating evidence. You don't need a rape kit. You don't need witnesses because oftentimes, guess what? There are no witnesses during rape! When you're talking about evidence, testimonial evidence is the very best in the system!

And the law is very clear that testimonial evidence, a woman standing there taking an oath and saying this happened to me is enough. You don't need a witness. You don't need forensic evidence. You need someone's truth, and we heard Dr. Ford's truth."
