MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Is this what "great" looks like?

Is this what "great" looks like?

-71% of Americans worried about their healthcare

-Grocery store prices going up

-Pump prices going up

-Hate crimes on the rise

-Right Wing Terrorist Bomber

-Synagogue Right wing, bigoted shooter

I don't know about anyone else, but in this week alone, this country has started to resemble what my worst fears for this country were if Donald Trump were to be elected president.

If this is what "great" looks like I want to go back to being "terrible".

PS: And Trump is, predictably, bashing the media and Democrats over the bomber and the shooting and even blaming the Synagogue victims. Nice, huh? The first words out of his mouth were: "This bombing stuff is making voting slow down. Go out and VOTE, Republicans!"

Nice, huh? Our president, folks--the country is falling apart at the seems and he's more concerned about votes during a time of national crises.

Worst part of it all? That baffling amount of supporters he has aren't waning in even the slightest and are 110% supporting every insensitive, insane word that is coming out of his mouth.


"Worst part of it all? That baffling amount of supporters he has aren't waning in even the slightest and are 110% supporting every insensitive, insane word that is coming out of his mouth."

Look at the demographics of his supporters, though. That should tell you everything you need to know.


I know. It's just sick, you know? Most of his supporters profess to be Christian, for crying out loud.

I wonder if these "Christians" even know their "fearless leader" once told an interviewer: "I've never asked God for forgiveness because I don't think I've ever really done anything wrong".

Any normal person, Christian or non-Christian, would find such a statement to be insane--especially when it's coming from Donald Trump of all people.

It's not even really a joke--his base are cultists.


The Klan has their own domination of Christianity and claim themselves active Christians too.

Doesn't mean much.


- 6.6 million Americans were forced to pay ObamaCare's individual mandate

- stock market booming

- lower taxes

- oil prices down

- liberals inciting violence

- attempted murder by a liberal (Scalise)

- Vegas shooter voted for Obama

- the rise of Antifa

- harassment of women (Republican only)

- "then every politician who aligns with him deserves what they get as far as having their feelings hurt" - dlancer (1557)

- Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) told her supporters to harass members of the Trump administration.

“Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up,” she said at a rally in Los Angeles on Saturday. “And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”

Them Dems are wonderful people.



Bubba subbing to Alex Jones and spreading his conspiratorial nonsense as usual.


Are the Trumpers on this board being serious? I'm honestly wondering. Every one--EVERY one of them acts like a sophomoric troll with some form of mental deficiency.

I just can't take them seriously at all. They're ridiculous.


<> *It was recently reported that 71% of Americans are worried about losing it.

<> *How are YOU personally benefiting from that? Provide examples.

<> *Where?

<> *Yet, prices at the pump are going UP instead of DOWN...

<> *In the span of one week: A Trumper committed a racially-motivated string of murders, A crazed Trumper mailed out 12 bombs to various democrats and A crazy right wing, racist murderer JUST shot up a synagogue today...[/b]

<> [b]Successful murders by Trumpers: Kentucky shooter and Synagogue shooters. Attempted murder by a Trumper in the form of 12 mail bombs.

<> *First of all: PROOF? Secondly: so what? Many shooters were Trumpers as well. Your statement literally means...nothing.

<> *The rise of the KKK, Alt-Right, White Supremacists and Neo Nazis...

<> *This statement doesn't even dignify an answer as you're obviously trolling.

<> *So? And?

<> *Trump encouraged his supporters to get violent with protesters and media. Trump congratulated an official for body-slamming a reporter.

<> *As "wonderful" than Trumpers, it would seem.


Your gonna judge half the country due to the actions of two nutjobs? And worse try to act like this is the GOP's fault. When the left goes bonkers its always blamed on the right. When the right goes bonkers its still blamed on the right. The left just got through a recent tirade of encouraging its base to act uncivil and get in the faces of the right in public place. The right could never get away with shaming the left or harassing the left in public so stop trying to act like the right incited violence. How long till another bernie sanders supporter starts shooting up a congressional baseball game. How long until another Black Lives Matters mob starts burning down their cities? How long until Antifa starts attaking college campus's to stifle free speech. We are not allowed to blame this on the right but the right gets trashed all the time. This is the double standard the left hides behind. Its no shock that the left will rally around a crazed gunmen that shot up a synagogue to try to shame people from the polls. We know right from wrong and will denounce these two crazies but don't ever think you can put this on the conservatives we know better.


And this is why you people are impossible to talk to: snap judgments, knee jerk reactions and crazy assumptions being made.

I wasn't saying what you were accusing me of.


So then what motivates you to bring up the 3 loons then? Don't deny who you are it insults everyones intelligence.


Don't let these conn men keep you from the polls. The left will stand on the bodies of these dead members of the jewish community and try to shame you away from the polls. Don't take the bait. Get out there and vote.


I totally agree, the Dems keep telling me how great and wonderful they are but then they do and say such stupid things. I will definitely be voting this fall.


Yes , listen to T-rump and Fox News instead. Make sure you bring your guns to the voting polls just in case another right wing loony starts a bloody massacre. Body slam any innocent bystanders ( T-rump loves that! ). And wear your red hats.


IDoggieDaddy you should know even concealed carry guns arn't allowed at voting polls. And besides Fox news is better then listening to your tin foil hat theories anyways.


and even blaming the Synagogue victims. Nice, huh?

Been a bit out of the loop since yesterday afternoon; what exactly did he say that came off as blaming the Synagogue victims?


He said they should have had armed guards at their place of worship to prevent this from happening. ( Ignore the fact two policemen were seriously wounded by the shooter; armed security guards would have had much better luck. )

Such empathy and concern on his part.
