MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > When reality is too tough to bear--inven...

When reality is too tough to bear--invent your own

This seems to be an increasingly-utilized tactic of Trumpers.

-"What? A shooting happened? Well, it's the dem's fault because they want to take our guns away."

-"MAGAbomber? Oh, it's just a Soros-funded shill who spend two years taking pictures of himself at Trump rallies to provide a false impression that he's a Trumper when, in reality, he's just a democrat funded by Soros to influence the elections."

-"Synagogue shooter? Soros-funded."

-"There's no proof that that Kentucky guy was a Trumper. Dems were KKK before so that means he could be a dem!"

How can a person be expected to take Trumpers seriously when they all seem to childishly proclaim their party to be perfect? That's what they're essentially doing. They make an excuse for EVERYTHING--EVERYTHING. Then again--they worship an orange child, so what can one expect?


How can a person be expected to take Liberals seriously when they all seem to childishly proclaim their party to be perfect? That's what they're essentially doing. They make an excuse for EVERYTHING--EVERYTHING. Then again--they worship crooked Hillary, so what can one expect?
