MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Does this mean the orange moron's wall w...

Does this mean the orange moron's wall will remain at a stalemate?

Not that I ever thought his stupid wall idea would bear fruit, but now that the House is back with dems, does this mean Ronald McDonald's wall is dead in the water?


its just occurred to me. How come no one noticed this since he mentiond his wall years ago ..... There is already one there!
A fence anyway. same thing.


I saw something about it saying the 'wall' would begin construction sometime this spring 2019. I can't remember where I saw it.


Indeed. All the more reason his moronic money-drainer is...well...MORONIC.


Here's how it will play out...

The wall project will remain a campaign promise, and still go nowhere after two years of a Republican control over government. He will then say it's all the Democrats fault - once they took over the House, they 'killed' the wall, even though it's been DOA since January 21,2017. His sheep will believe him.


Sounds accurate to me.
