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LOL! Judge orders White House to return Acosta pass

Well, this ought to give the cheeto another twitter meltdown. XD


Let's see Sarah Hillbilly Sanders worm her way out of this one.


What's funny is the Trumpers are raging SO much over this that they apparently didn't even read the article. The comments over there from Trumpers keep saying: "This judge is a moron!" and "Libtard Judge!" and some idiot even said: "What idiot appointed this judge?!"

It's so funny because the article outright STATES that Cheeto McTweeto himself had appointed this judge. LOL! Dumba$$es. XD


Trump and his followers need to start a new country somewhere, which will produce nothing and economically collapse within a few years.


And then they'll come flooding back here like the illegals they hate so much. Let's build a wall to keep them out. XD


I'm glad to see Acosta's pass return over the ridiculously petty decision to ban him over doing absolutely nothing to provoke it.

But this is just a temporary reinstatement and personally, I have a hard time seeing how this lawsuit doesn't turn out favorably for the White House so long as they hold any discretionary power at all to decide who attends their press conferences.

I'm thinking of if the shoe were on the other foot. Say Trump granted Infowars White House press credentials. Shouldn't a future Dem president have the discretion to revoke press pool access to such deliberate agents of chaos and disinformation?


You have one artificial intelligence point more than the other liberal NPCs and you use it to conspires against alternative media in favor of corporate media.


And you barely have enough real IQ points to rival a lead pipe. So what's your excuse?

Corporate media is far from perfect. But no one pushes outright conspiratorial bullshit like Alex Jones. That you would defend a publisher of such nonsense access to a White House press pool says all anyone needs to know about your profound stupidity. Fuck video games. I live in the real world where these things matter and you're literally dumb as a stump. That's why you can't find a job.


No matter, Trump can choose to ignore him. Acosta has faded from relevancy since the pass was revoked. His 15 minutes are over. #TRUMPALWAYSWINS


Still living in the past, pathetic desperate bump machine.

You've been a clown for a long time, no surprises here.


He's the lamest clown I've ever seen and we're from IMDB--we've seen some lame clowns.




Yes, although Boredom was a co-creation. That Hardcock is all mine!




Can't ban a reporter for seeking the truth!


In a dictatorship you can. Oh, wait--we don't live in a dictatorship...we just have some clown as president who likes to think he's a dictator.
