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Trumpers are already finding a way to defend Invanka's email fiasco

Amazing, isn't it? The same people who screamed "But what about Hillary's emails?!!!" for years are now bending over backwards/tripping over each other trying to justify/defend Ivanka's use of her father's email server.

What is the constitutionality of Trump letting his kids/son-in-law run wild in these lofty positions? What are their credentials? What is their clearance? How is this legal?

I wish Trumpers would put their money where their mouth is: if you want Hillary to answer for email crimes she supposedly committed then you should be expecting the same from Ivanka. Otherwise, you're nothing but hypocrites.


Remember that most of Hillary's emails under scrutiny by blowhards were ones that were coded as CLASSIFIED *After* the fact.

The GOP/Trump Admin is saying of Ivankas PRIVATE EMAIL ACCOUNT - 'nothing to see here, there's just dry logistical information.' - How about *WE* be the judge of that?


It all stinks like a rotten fish. All of it. He has his kids running around with high-clearance jobs there who seem completely unfit for said positions. Hell, Ivanka practically acts like a first lady.

Then there is the matter of all that outside income they received since Trump has been in office.

I smell a cesspool--a river of dirty money running in/out of that White House right now.

What's funny is watching Trump's supporters try to defend Ivanka's China product line regarding the tariffs.
