MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Who do you guys think is going to Wrestl...

Who do you guys think is going to Wrestlemania this year

Since you guys are all a bunch of marks for the news media and politics are still real to you dammit i thought you might like to talk about another fixed entertainment medium with predetermined outcomes pretending to be real.

I hear The Rock is gonna win the Royal Rumble and face Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania what do you guys think?


Yup I'm such a mark it's in my name. Gotta hand it to Mueller and Trump though...totally working the crowd.

As for The Rock, don't see it happening but who knows. At this point I can't really see who else they have for Lesnar.


When the best answer anybody has is Seth Rollins you know that you're fucked better bring the women into the main event because the "men" all suck


Yeah, nothing against Seth Rollins but I don't see that match selling. I think the only real appeal it offers is that he and Lesnar haven't fought one on one before. I think Daniel Bryan could've actually worked in a David vs. Goliath way had they not used that at Survivor Series.


I wonder if it's possible for someone can get the "Creative has nothing for you" Pink Slip for being so much more above the rest of the talent


The Undertaker!

Is he still wrestling? No clue. I'm sure by now he actually looks like an old ass undertaker.


Isn't it rumored they are going to have a battle royal with Randy Savage, Bret and Owen Hart, Andre the Giant, The Ultimate Warrior, Chris Benoit, Mr. Perfect, Test, Rick Rude, Bam Bam Bigelo, Kanyon, Doink the Clown, Eddie Guerrero, Big Boss Man, Big John Studd, Chyna and Barry Horowitz.


Was Bret Hart's inclusion accidental since he's the only one on that list still alive (aside from jobber Barry Horowitz).


lol, yes it was an accident. I thought he was dead. And just when it looked like Horowitz was finally going to win a match!


Well then, Bret Hart won the celebrity deathmatch, he's the last man standing.


We all know Barry Horowitz should have won the 1996 Royal Rumble


Only Trump supporters believe this crap is real and MSM is fake. For everyone else, it's kinda reversed.


What's more real getting chokeslammed by the Undertaker through a 16 Ft high Hell in a Cell landing on your neck and getting a tooth stuck in your nose or a Politician saying they are for the little people?


1) While some politicians may join the MSM later on, they are typically not the MSM. Exclaiming that politicians are for the little people is not something constantly broadcast by the MSM.

2) While the choke slam looks harmful to dimwitted Trumpsters, it is not designed to cause harm to someone who knows how to land properly on the mat. If you land on your neck or get a tooth stuck in your nose, it's because either you or the Undertaker did something neither intended to do and would constitute an accident. Vince McMahon would not have a business if any of those things were the norm.

3) Intelligent people are already aware of the above.

4) Since the MSM is required to make money to stay afloat, it has to focus on headlines that sell. This pushes them to have what's called a narrative or bias. That narrative doesn't make it all fake by default. You yourself are guilty of the same bias.

5) Intelligent people are aware that it is just as stupid to call the MSM fake as it is to say it's always true. It's true most of the time, or else it wouldn't exist.

Keep in mind Trump's whole fake news spiel started when CNN cited a Buzzfeed article about a potential hooker piss tape. CNN said it was a Buzzfeed article, and CNN said it was unverified. There was not a damn thing fake about what CNN said. But like always, the Dunning-Kruger effected Trumpsters jerk off to whatever Trump says.


I got just the video you need to see


Instead of posting a video I'm never going to watch, you should point out yourself where I am wrong. Otherwise, I'm just going to assume you agree and have nothing to say.


Good heavens, you do have autism.

Trump didn't come up with the term fake news. The media came up with it in October before the election as a slur for alternative media. Trump just rebranded it and it took off in the other direction. You guys don't have a grasp on memes.
