MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Muh Russia Collusion boils down to one t...

Muh Russia Collusion boils down to one thing

The Left Wing is mad they can't make Dank Memes like the Right Wing because of the Universal Rule that all good humor is rooted in truth and everything the left wings spout of their mouth is a lie.

So they go hard with this "Muh Russia Collusion" to try to stop the power of dank memes but the dankness is bigger than all of us now so the only real answer for the Left Wing is to stop with all the lies and Political Correctness and ground themselves back into reality.

They need to do what they are supposed to do and keep the rich from strangling the poor and middle class instead of running distractions to allow the rich to strangle us unnoticed while we discuss where a guy who chopped off his wee wee should go to the bathroom.


Your babbling diatribe sounded very confused and lost, like you forgot to take your meds.


Why don't you make a meme about it


lolz. Nah I'll pass. That's exclusively the activity of angry dispossessed right wingers with time to kill because they don't have jobs.

But you keep at it. I'm happy for you that you've found something that improves your self esteem.


It's okay. Hillary couldn't connect with people either.

Incredulous responses like these aren't doing your side any favors. I mean you have every single Fortune 500 corporation flying that rainbow flag and you act all self righteous about going one baby step further than the system is yet comfortable with.


LoL. Fortune 500 rainbow flags? WTF are you even talking about? Leave it to you to show up on cue to continue on with the indecipherable babble.

Let me guess, you're both members of QAnon right?


Robert Mueller is a Republican. Let's just wait and see what he has to say when he releases his report and since he is a Republican you shouldn't have any objection.

Strangely Donald Trump claims his lawyers already have 87 pages of a rebuttal written. A rebuttal to a report that hasn't been released yet. Really stop and think about that. It's almost like he knows exactly what they'll find and is preparing a defense to it.


Hate to go here but won't Trump supporting Republican's just say Mueller is a deep state Republican?


Probably. But of course he was appointed by Rod Rosenstein who was appointed by Trump himself so just how far into the right does this left wing deep state go? The biggest problem Mueller presents for Trump is that he's a decorated war hero who's record is seemingly unblemished and although a Republican himself, he's trusted by Republicans and Democrats alike.

So yeah there will probably be some deep state nonsense from some Trump supporters but deep down even they know how much bullshit that is.


Mueller's problem is he doesn't babble incoherently. Like most people, he knows what to say before opening his mouth. This ability confuses Trump supporters. Pence has figured out the best way to keep them at bey is to remain quiet and just nod here and there :)


Robert Mueller said Iraq had WMDs.

Notice not a single liberal on this board has ever had a problem with Robert Mueller being Republican.
