MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Looks like Fat Donald is backing down fr...

Looks like Fat Donald is backing down from his wall demands for the 10,000th time

Honestly, he's like a little girl who keeps asking for a pony every Christmas despite how many times here parents tell her it's expensive, impractical and utter nonsense. He just won't give up.

Now, once again, it sounds like he's backing off.

What's funny is that it's being reported he supposedly asked his own cabinet to arrange funds at one point. XD It's funny but it's also illegal since he was trying to go over Congress' head.

Say...where have all the "the wall WILL be built" Trumpers gone to? Six months into Fat Donald's presidency they just...disappeared. Gee, I wonder why? LOL!

PS: I saw a "lovely" Trumper on Yahoo comments today regarding the article about the migrant girl who died in border custody of apparent sepsis. The "lovely Trumper said "Who cares? One less leech on our country!".

Such wonderful people, those Trumpers.


Nobody but idiots thought he was actually gonna build a wall but we supported him anyway. Anyway to stop Hillary from winning was fine with us


That's an even more idiotic reason to vote for him.


Shouldnt you be on some Hanna Barbera message board? Adults are talking here go away little squeaker and squeak someplace else


No, this is where I belong. I think I'll stay...and point out more idiotic moves by you and other T-rumpers.


How about the idiotic move by democrats that after nearly a year of Left Wing outlets tearing Hillary apart they conspired against Bernie Sanders and the wishes of their party to cheat Bernie out of the nomination and are now blaming their loss on Russia that anyone with half a brain knows is just a Fakestream Media ratings ploy. Can we talk about those idiotic moves?


You talk constantly about Russia rigging elections but then i go to my poll and see a proposal that allows democrats to draw their own district lines GTFOH


Yeah...Russia had nothing to do with T-rump's win. Nothing at all.


And democrat collusion against their own party had nothing to do with Hillary winning the nomination nope nothing at all


"But but but HILLARY!"

Get a new song already. You Trumptards cannot actually defend him on his own "merits".

If you can only build someone up by tearing others down, you're wasting effort.


But But But Muh Russian Collusion


Everytime a conservative is in the white house it's the same things. Liberals crying sweet salty tears and demanding impeachment and imprisonment. Meanwhile the rest of us are getting bigger paychecks and tax checks


Every time?

When did that happen with Reagan, or Bush 41 ?


Everytime in current century


Which is only eighteen years old. LOL


We are pretty much living in the equivalent 1918 right now. Can you imagine how we will be looked at once we go through a few wars and it rolls back over to the 80's and 90's again and then to 2100 and beyond what they will think of us?


Why not mention conservative efforts to impeach Obama?

Very hypocritical to cry about only one side doing it.


Well i mean when you are named Barack Hussein Obama in a post 9/11 World and you wait three years after being elected to even prove that you are an eligible citizen sorry to say but you are gonna run into opposition and it will be totally warrented


Yeah because all the documentation from becoming a naturalized citizen when he emigrated here would have just up and disappeared from immigration records that he would need to prove his citizenship right?

Are you for real?


Yeah and some of us make enough that we can actually put humans over dollars.

But hey...the world needs ditch diggers, too.


You guys are supposed to be liberals. Shouldn't you be kissing my butt and telling me you'll get me a union?


See, if only you learned to read. I’ve said multiple times I was a registered Republican since 83 ...back when being a Republican meant something before the GOP handed it over to a pack of inbred, mouth breathing alt-right incels.

Yes i’m Talking about you.


When people bring up the wall and how we should support Trump and pay,I remind them that Mexico is paying for it. They have nothing to say after that.


As far as I'm concerned, any Trumper that says: "I don't care if I have to pay for it--just get it done!" (and I've heard several say this) is absolutely worthless in any debate because these people make a POINT of bringing up failed campaign promises of Obama and other presidents they hate while giving Trump a free pass on his own.


I see that you haven't researched the little girl who died(RiP). It's over now, no need to learn anymore now. Just go on being dumb and naive.


I'm surprised he hasn't tried getting the migrants to build it. Offer them asylum if they build the wall. It wouldn't work, but it would be hilarious to see him try.


Looks like Pelosi and Schumer won this one, too!


He'll push for it again in February and, once again, relent. As I stated, he's like a spoiled little girl who keeps asking for a pony every Christmas no matter how many times in how many different ways her parents tell her it's expensive and impractical. And, like said girl, he whines when he doesn't get his way.


There's never going to be a wall because most Americans don't want it. That and because the wall is just not feasible. The wall is just one of many campaign lies gullible Trump supporters fell for. They got suckered!


Exactly. Most thinking Americans knew this all along.

The fact is--most of the border has a fence and it's being scaled and well as tunneled under. A concrete/brick/whatever monstrosity (with Donald's ugly mug most likely stenciled into it) is not going to accomplish anything other than give the orange hog's ego a raging orgasm.


Looks like Ronald McDonald Trump's ever-enslaving ego is at it again as he has now reneged on his reneging of the wall funding issue and is now refusing to sign the bill after some republicans claimed he was going "soft" on the issue.

LOL! What a pathetic old man.


It's because Ann Coulter gave him so much shit on twitter for failing on the wall that he ended up blocking her.

But her trolling him apparently worked.

The man is so easily goaded and manipulated. It's scary.


In the future we will create androids and/or a race of suhumanoids to do everything for us but in the meantime the slave masters have "illegals" more than willing to work slave wages. Anybody who think the Republican Higher ups want to get rid of their slave force is nuts
