MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Winning? T-rump loses support from (gasp...

Winning? T-rump loses support from (gasp!) Ann Coulter!

Conservative firebrand Ann Coulter has pulled her support for T-rump this week (and in retaliation, he stopped following her on Twitter), and said in a Wednesday podcast interview that his Presidency will go down as "a joke".

She made it clear that if the president is able to stay in office and runs for re-election, no one should be voting for him again.

“Why would you? To make sure, I don’t know, Ivanka and Jared can make money? That seems to be the main point of the presidency at this point,” the conservative mouthpiece opined in an interview Wednesday with The Daily Caller.

“They’re about to have a country where no Republican will ever be elected president again,” she continued. “Trump will just have been a joke presidency who scammed the American people, amused the populists for a while, but he’ll have no legacy whatsoever if the wall wasn't built."

She added, "My prediction is his support will evaporate and Trump will very likely not finish his term and definitely not be elected to a second term.”

A CNN media specialist noted that one hour after her comments aired on FOX, T-rump had 'unfollowed' her on Twitter.


Dinosaur media now sees it fit to tell you what you could have read for yourself at least a month ago.


You got that wrong.


The thing is, Ann Coulter is smart enough to know that it could be impossible for Trump to build the wall even if he forces a shutdown over it.

But what's most important to her are her book sales. To continue her lifestyle, she's gotta continue selling those useless scraps of paper to some of the most ignorant people on the planet who have no clue how any of this works and base everything on results.

So when it turns out that Trump falters on his promise to build the wall, Ann will have covered her bases with her idiot readers that she tried everything possible to get him to build it.

Never will she try to inform them that it just might not be a possibility, and never will she inform them that a wall is useless. Their ignorance simply won't allow any of that logical stuff to get through. And she wants them checks.

In a rare display, it seems as though Trump sees what's up, that she's using his ignorant base for her own benefit, and isn't cutting him any slack when it was he who lined them up for her to milk.


Very true. She certainly outsmarted him. It was easy.
